Being white is awesome

Ahh good ole Cypress. Lord knows that the moment someone mentions race, you will come in and remind us that there are only two groups of people. Blacks and Whites.

But, truth be told, I'm not as good as you are at seeing it. So is this woman black or white?

She ugly!
Ahh good ole Cypress. Lord knows that the moment someone mentions race, you will come in and remind us that there are only two groups of people. Blacks and Whites.

But, truth be told, I'm not as good as you are at seeing it. So is this woman black or white?


What are you talking about? Sorry bro’, if you’re referring to some sig line girlie pic I finally got hip to this site’s porno filter. Can’t see it! Sorry, man!
unless your trying to dance or be really cool, then yes white is awesome.
Oh, don't trying playing corner in the NFL

The last great one was a Trojan and a Republican with a freaking hot wife, Jason Sehorn. Love Angie Harmon!
What are you talking about? Sorry bro’, if you’re referring to some sig line girlie pic I finally got hip to this site’s porno filter. Can’t see it! Sorry, man!
No, it's not a sig girl, you should be able to see it.


People can be more forgiving than you can imagine. But you have to forgive yourself. Let go of what's bitter and move on.

Bill Cosby