The Liberal biased press/media are slick shysters mostly during elections. Now that the re-election is done, they are trying to regain credibility with the politically dumbed down public by doing some fair news investigating but as soon as the election cycle returns, they go into their cheat mode where they slant/spin the news to make the Liberal candidates look good. Mitt Romney was by far the best qualified candidate and still is. Mitt would win with Ted Cruz as his running mate, that would get the Hispanic vote. If not Mitt, then Jeb Bush, who is married to a Mexican and Ted Cruz....winner winner, chicken dinner........... Remember, the conniving mainstream media will try to promote a Republican candidate who they secretly think would lose, and don't believe any Lib media polls, they rig those by calling a majority of Libs. If I wanted to Lib control a Poll, I would just call the Manhatten NY and Chicago area codes.