I would believe he still is. But then, he is not the topic even though you are desperately trying to deflect from the topic and make him the topic. But he didn't win, therefore what he said during a campaign is rather moot and pointless.

That's and easy one to answer; (1) there are a LOT of uninformed clueless voters out there enamored by the first "black" Presidency; (2) second term Presidents are extremely difficult to defeat...GW Bush a great example; and (3) Obama had the mainstream leftist media carrying his water and doing everything in their power to drag Obama's sorry failed ass across the finish line.

No one can underestimate the power of the mainstream leftist media; even though their ability to shape public opinion is slowly being diminished by their obvious lack of impartiality, integrity and lack of honesty.
The Liberal biased press/media are slick shysters mostly during elections. Now that the re-election is done, they are trying to regain credibility with the politically dumbed down public by doing some fair news investigating but as soon as the election cycle returns, they go into their cheat mode where they slant/spin the news to make the Liberal candidates look good. Mitt Romney was by far the best qualified candidate and still is. Mitt would win with Ted Cruz as his running mate, that would get the Hispanic vote. If not Mitt, then Jeb Bush, who is married to a Mexican and Ted Cruz....winner winner, chicken dinner........... Remember, the conniving mainstream media will try to promote a Republican candidate who they secretly think would lose, and don't believe any Lib media polls, they rig those by calling a majority of Libs. If I wanted to Lib control a Poll, I would just call the Manhatten NY and Chicago area codes.
The Liberal biased press/media are slick shysters mostly during elections. Now that the re-election is done, they are trying to regain credibility with the politically dumbed down public by doing some fair news investigating but as soon as the election cycle returns, they go into their cheat mode where they slant/spin the news to make the Liberal candidates look good. Mitt Romney was by far the best qualified candidate and still is. Mitt would win with Ted Cruz as his running mate, that would get the Hispanic vote. If not Mitt, then Jeb Bush, who is married to a Mexican and Ted Cruz....winner winner, chicken dinner........... Remember, the conniving mainstream media will try to promote a Republican candidate who they secretly think would lose, and don't believe any Lib media polls, they rig those by calling a majority of Libs. If I wanted to Lib control a Poll, I would just call the Manhatten NY and Chicago area codes.

Interview with Stein, just before Obama got elected

BEN WATTENBERG: But look, in 1982, with Alan Greenspan and Pat Moynihan on the -- we adjusted Social Security. Everyone said it’s the third rail of America politics. You can’t do it, absolutely terrible. They did it, it was a fix that worked for about 15 or 20 years. Nobody even noticed it.
They took it down six months -- by six months over a long period of time. That can be done again.
BEN STEIN: It can be fixed. I don’t question that it can be fixed, it’s just that we’ve got to fix it for it to be fixed.
BEN WATTENBERG: Why do you think we won’t.
BEN STEIN: I don’t think we won’t. I think we will. We have to. If we don’t, we’re heading for national insolvency. They’re going to have to raise the age for which you get Social Security.
They’re going to have to means test it so that very rich people don’t get Social Security. It’s outrageous that people who have incomes of a million dollars a year from interest and dividends get Social Security.
BEN WATTENBERG: They put the money in. It’s capped.
BEN STEIN: It’s not an insurance plan, it’s a tax plan and tax to redistribute such that the wealthy pay and the poor get the money. That’s just the way it work in a society like ours.

Stein consistently calls for tax hikes on the wealthy, in order to balance the budget.

He's in favor of wealth redistribution, as long as he isn't the one paying more.

So.....Obama didn't raise taxes, and he tried to keep private insurance companies in the lead position in this nation's health care delivery system.

Stein is a farce.

Bueller? Bueller? Bueller? That's all I hear, every time this idiot opens his mouth

Coming from a clueless idiot; I am certain Ben would be comforted by the fact that you think he is an idiot.

Did you vote for Obama? I rest my case; you're an idiot.
Interview with Stein, just before Obama got elected

BEN WATTENBERG: But look, in 1982, with Alan Greenspan and Pat Moynihan on the -- we adjusted Social Security. Everyone said it’s the third rail of America politics. You can’t do it, absolutely terrible. They did it, it was a fix that worked for about 15 or 20 years. Nobody even noticed it.
They took it down six months -- by six months over a long period of time. That can be done again.
BEN STEIN: It can be fixed. I don’t question that it can be fixed, it’s just that we’ve got to fix it for it to be fixed.
BEN WATTENBERG: Why do you think we won’t.
BEN STEIN: I don’t think we won’t. I think we will. We have to. If we don’t, we’re heading for national insolvency. They’re going to have to raise the age for which you get Social Security.
They’re going to have to means test it so that very rich people don’t get Social Security. It’s outrageous that people who have incomes of a million dollars a year from interest and dividends get Social Security.
BEN WATTENBERG: They put the money in. It’s capped.
BEN STEIN: It’s not an insurance plan, it’s a tax plan and tax to redistribute such that the wealthy pay and the poor get the money. That’s just the way it work in a society like ours.

Stein consistently calls for tax hikes on the wealthy, in order to balance the budget.

He's in favor of wealth redistribution, as long as he isn't the one paying more.

So.....Obama didn't raise taxes, and he tried to keep private insurance companies in the lead position in this nation's health care delivery system.

Stein is a farce.

Obama did raise taxes dunce. Obamacare is full of tax increases as well dunce.

Social Security is the biggest farce ever pulled over the American sheeples eyes, next to Obamacare. It is a massive ponzi scheme that forces everyone to fund Government deficits by using the "trust" fund money to buy Government "securities" that we the sheeple are also on the hook for paying the massive interest on that debt.

You have to be a brain dead clueless monkey to support such a dense ponzi scheme just as you have to be to support something as poorly written as Obamacare.