Ben's Butthole Bursted Bigly Badly

It's illegal to hold a violent, riotous, protest with arson and looting on the side, but that was almost certain to happen if Chauvin walked on a not guilty verdict...

Then arrest the criminals just like the DOJ is arresting hundreds of Trump's insurrectionists. Life goes on.
Its interesting in this vid*


The guy fails to explain what he explained here


Which basically amounts to the fact that you can literally hold your breath until you’re dead when you’re on dope like fentanyl. You also would never need to announce you couldnt breath let alone in a suspicious emotionless monotone. This floyd thing looks scripted and rehearsed.

And lets not forget what happened next, the death was used by racists to launch a race riot.

There’s two ways for the queen’s honor guard to get paid. One of them is to do stupid sht for the camera for a kickback from newspapers.

Heres what happened. A black guy commits suicide by cop with his buddy he works and shares lines with so his family can get a lawsuit and the cop can get a kickback. The death was used by enemy subversives to incite race riots and radicalise leftist sympathizers who deal them both the cheap drugs they both use.

and we're just to supposed to think the da never thought of this as they leave the city open to lawsuits?

dude will do his time like a pro knowing he'll get a big daddy kickback from mafia backed dixiecrats when he gets out.

Btw, i tracked this deplorablefeed group to bulgaria. But pretty sure it’s all legit.

The prime reason i denounce mafia dixicrats like jHoe is because it makes their cover that much harder to maintain.

"If you cant beat them, join them." ~ public school

"If you cant beat them, lead them off a cliff." ~ some capone lady dealing dope on madison's west highschool school board 1983. ~ al gore 1998

I'm going to rate this one unlikely. :cof1:

He got rekt hard.

Need a Trump butthurt salve.
Classic burn
Listen kids, it only gets this sick and this fucked up just before the fall of rome. The fall of rome was top down.

I have to let you know where the federal fallout shelters are now. Under arizona, under kansas, under dc, and under al gore's house.

An entrance to the kansas one is very near topika. Just follow the ghost white sport bicyclist teams with opiate megacolons.
But you admitt it's a possibility then? Knowing you're standing at the bottom of an infinite mountain of human shit, what can you deduce is a guarantee?

A possibility is an inevitability.

Palestinian terrorists were encouraged by the patronage of Saddam Hussein to their families. But, they also have a driving ideology which makes them believe in their cause. That level of fanaticism is needed to compel more than a few head cases to submit themselves to suicide.
I think I like this software. I've used many screen/video capture software in the past. Some pro and cons.

Here's my gif of Ben getting his butt blasted further hard.

Chauvin is going to be sucking cock for 20+ years.

In his solitary cell? Highly doubtful. I assume you do not know how these things work.
I've fed Fucking State Babies, I know.
Humans (barely) you would never want to get around real people.
The State makes sure they never do.
Palestinian terrorists were encouraged by the patronage of Saddam Hussein to their families. But, they also have a driving ideology which makes them believe in their cause. That level of fanaticism is needed to compel more than a few head cases to submit themselves to suicide.

Maybe you dont know junkies that well when youre all the way at the end of your junky leash the best thing you can do is die to give a fat daddy pay check to your family. The motive is clear as day. The evidence overwhelming.