Its interesting in this vid*
The guy fails to explain what he explained here
Which basically amounts to the fact that you can literally hold your breath until you’re dead when you’re on dope like fentanyl. You also would never need to announce you couldnt breath let alone in a suspicious emotionless monotone. This floyd thing looks scripted and rehearsed.
And lets not forget what happened next, the death was used by racists to launch a race riot.
There’s two ways for the queen’s honor guard to get paid. One of them is to do stupid sht for the camera for a kickback from newspapers.
Heres what happened. A black guy commits suicide by cop with his buddy he works and shares lines with so his family can get a lawsuit and the cop can get a kickback. The death was used by enemy subversives to incite race riots and radicalise leftist sympathizers who deal them both the cheap drugs they both use.
and we're just to supposed to think the da never thought of this as they leave the city open to lawsuits?
dude will do his time like a pro knowing he'll get a big daddy kickback from mafia backed dixiecrats when he gets out.
Btw, i tracked this deplorablefeed group to bulgaria. But pretty sure it’s all legit.
The prime reason i denounce mafia dixicrats like jHoe is because it makes their cover that much harder to maintain.
"If you cant beat them, join them." ~ public school
"If you cant beat them, lead them off a cliff." ~ some capone lady dealing dope on madison's west highschool school board 1983. ~ al gore 1998