Berkeley votes to rename manholes gender-neutral ‘maintenanceholes’

Well, that is a bit of exaggeration, but hard to believe with everything occurring in today's world you would think what a community calls their manhole covers merits attention.

How much does that "push for gender neutral terms" actually affect your life? Do you really concern yourself with it or waste time even thinking about it? Who, and why, would anyone care?

Dude, it's a (political) discussion board. It's a story that's in our local paper today. As I said the issue toward's gender neutral terms extends beyond just this story and Berkeley. No I don't sit around thinking about this. But clearly it's important to some people.

Can we discuss nothing but the President, even in an off topic forum? Sorry for bringing up something that isn't Trump and the tribalism and trolling that it entails in basically every single thread in the Current Events forum.
Whew...I’m so glad they took care of that nagging problem. I feel so much better now and can go about my day.
I have stopped being surprised by how far the morons on the left are willing to take identity politics.
Calif. recently passed a bill giving equal rights to those with braided hair, now this while homeless are camping out on the streets.
Like Nero playing his fiddle while Rome is burning.
Well, that is a bit of exaggeration, but hard to believe with everything occurring in today's world you would think what a community calls their manhole covers merits attention.
It merits attention only because of how silly PC and identity politics has become. This is pure entertainment to normal folks.
How much does that "push for gender neutral terms" actually affect your life? Do you really concern yourself with it or waste time even thinking about it? Who, and why, would anyone care?
Why would I care about going to a movie? It's entertainment.
I always called them sewer grates anyway. I don't believe I've see many women using them either. Of course it still factors on a level of, big damn deal. Who cares if people want to change terms created back in the day, by male society?
Well, that is a bit of exaggeration, but hard to believe with everything occurring in today's world you would think what a community calls their manhole covers merits attention.

How much does that "push for gender neutral terms" actually affect your life? Do you really concern yourself with it or waste time even thinking about it? Who, and why, would anyone care?

In case there is any point of confusion I'm not on the Berkeley City Council who voted on this nor do I write for SF Curbed or the SF Chronicle who both covered this. Why would a fairly large City vote on this will all that is going on in the world? Like a lot of local papers the SF Chronicle is a shell of its former self but nonetheless it's our largest daily, why would they report on it with all that's going on in the world?

And I'll repeat, this isn't the issue of gender neutral words isn't a new one. Most of us don't spend out time thinking about it. However clearly there are folks that do. And there's a push to use terms such as "they" instead of he and she when describing people. So this isn't some one off random thing.

You are free to give zero fvcks like Domer. I posted this to see if anyone here had strong feelings about it. If they do, I'd like to hear them.