Bet me gee boy
You've already said you don't have the guts to bet.
Prove you're a millionaire.
Bet me gee boy
Bully? I own you Liberals just like my family owned your ancestors.
You don't own dick consevatard
Liberals are more educated and richer
Google it, it's common knowledge
I own you just like my family owned your ancestors.
You own a trailer and a ged
Actually I own many trailers. Your people rent them from me.
As far as the ged is concerned, I'll be you $1 million that you're incorrect. Put the money you claim where you put your big lipped mouth.
You've lived in many a trailer
I own many of them that your kind live in and rent from me.
No bet? Didn't think so coward.
Are you in the kla
Or do you just enjoy acting like you are
You poser
You prove you are stupid every time economics comes up
Why are you scared to name your degree
Why are you scared to prove you have what you say you have? You prove yourself a liar every time you say you have these things yet provide no proof of them.
Prove you have $10,000 to bet
Everyone can see you are ashamed of your education
Everyone can see you don't have one.
I expected you to be a man and prove your claim but all I got from you is typical n*gger.
Who knew you were ashamed of your education?
Who expected you to prove your claims about your education?
No one. YOU can't prove what YOU don't have. If you did, you would have proven it already. Since you haven't, all the proof I need to know you have none.
quit trying to get posters to reveal personal information you fucking stalker