Bernie Sdanders cant win


he is a tool of Russia

the Russians hacked the walls off his campaign in 2016

The Russians own all his campaign information and workings

Bernie even tried to deny it back then until the entire intel system said he got hacked in a massive style

They haver the goods on Bernie to destroy him at just the right time
he is a tool of Russia

the Russians hacked the walls off his campaign in 2016

The Russians own all his campaign information and workings

Bernie even tried to deny it back then until the entire intel system said he got hacked in a massive style

They haver the goods on Bernie to destroy him at just the right time

If he's a Russian stooge, can't Putin just rig the election for him?
Bernie Sdanders cant win

like all the other demmycrats running......

the Biden supporters will never vote for Bernie.......the Bernie voters will never vote for Biden.......the Warren voters will never vote......
he is a tool of Russia

the Russians hacked the walls off his campaign in 2016

The Russians own all his campaign information and workings

Bernie even tried to deny it back then until the entire intel system said he got hacked in a massive style

They haver the goods on Bernie to destroy him at just the right time

Yet you said you'd vote for him is he is the nominee
he is a tool of Russia

the Russians hacked the walls off his campaign in 2016

The Russians own all his campaign information and workings

Bernie even tried to deny it back then until the entire intel system said he got hacked in a massive style

They haver the goods on Bernie to destroy him at just the right time

Who has the goods? And define "goods".
You have to have done something wrong or illegal to harm someone. Bernie is pretty honest for a politician. But Bolton has the goods on Trump. He will be giving it out and perhaps all the other books will come out,. We all know what a crook Trump is. He has managed to keep a lot of his corruption out of the news. The exceptions are Trump University and the charity that he used for his piggy bank. I think rightys have to know about that. So perhaps when more comes out the Trumpys will not care. They don't care if he a despicable corrupt human being. They might like that,.
Who has the goods? And define "goods".

the Russians were all over his computer systems

that is cold hard FACT

the FBI and even Bernie said it in the end

if you do not know this completely documented reality you don't really know Bernie huh
Russia efforts to reach Bernie Sanders supporters more ...

Apr 12, 2019 · Inside the Russian effort to target Sanders supporters — and help elect Trump. In 2016, Russian trolls exploited the belief among some supporters of Sen. Bernie Sanders that the Democratic Party tilted the primary contest toward Hillary Clinton, the eventual nominee.
Author: Michael Kranish

Inside the Russian effort to target Sanders supporters ...

Apr 12, 2019 · Inside the Russian effort to target Sanders supporters — and help elect Trump After Bernie Sanders lost his primary campaign for president against Hillary Clinton in 2016, a Twitter account called...
Author: Michael Kranish

Russia's effort to convince Bernie Sanders voters to ...

Russia's effort to convince supporters of Sen. Bernie Sanders to vote for President Donald Trump over former Secretary Hillary Clinton was more expansive than previously known, according to a new...
Russian accounts targeted Sanders voters to try to boost ...

Thousands of Russian Twitter accounts turned their misinformation focus to supporters of Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) in 2016 after he lost the Democratic Primary to Hillary Clinton.

Inside the Russian effort to target Sanders supporters — and help elect Trump · Apr 12, 2019 · Article from:
Top responses

The Mercer family also deserves some credit. They have been corrupting elections on a global basis for the last few years. Cambridge Analytica hired … read more
444 votes
"And I’m sure it was just a coincidence that Trump went out of his way to mention Bernie and how he was treated “unfairly” at every possible opportunity. … read more
94 votes
"So you're telling me that despite a gigantic, unprecedented foreign intelligence operation whose goal was to specifically target Sanders supporters, a larger … read more
60 votes
I got berated in this very sub for point this out over the last 2 years.
34 votes
"“I think there is no question that Sanders was central to their strategy. He was clearly used as a mechanism to decrease voter turnout for Hillary Clinton,” said … read more
32 votes
"The majority of them still won't admit we were targeted like hell and believed some things we shouldn't have. I ended up voting for HRC and pleaded with others … read more
28 votes

See all

Russia efforts to reach Bernie Sanders supporters more ...

Apr 12, 2019 · Russia efforts to reach Bernie Sanders supporters more than was known, researcher says – The Washington Post Posted by resistblue April 12, 2019 April 12, 2019 Leave a comment on Russia efforts to reach Bernie Sanders supporters more than was known, researcher says – The Washington Post
Russia's effort to convince Bernie Sanders voters to ...
Apr 13, 2019 · Russia’s effort to convince supporters of Sen. Bernie Sanders to vote for President Donald Trump over former Secretary Hillary Clinton was more …
Did Russia Attempt to Influence Sanders’ Supporters ...

Apr 04, 2017 · None of that is an indictment of Bernie Sanders or his supporters. But if we are going to investigate the various ways that Russia tried to influence …
Author: Nancy Letourneau

Sherrilyn Ifill on Twitter: "Russia efforts to reach ...

Apr 12, 2019 · Russia efforts to reach Bernie Sanders supporters more than was known, researcher says - The Washington Post https://www. e-the-russian-effort-to-target-sanders-supporters--and-help-elect-trump/2019/04/11/741d7308-5576-11e9-8ef3-fbd41a2ce4d5_story.html …
Bernie blames Hillary for allowing Russian interference ...

Bernie Sanders on Wednesday blamed Hillary Clinton for not doing more to stop the Russian attack on the last presidential election. Then his 2016 campaign manager, in an interview with POLITICO ...
Author: Edward-Isaac Dovere
Then, in July 2016, WikiLeaks released emails from the Democratic National Committee that suggested the party machinery was tilted against Sanders. The DNC computers were later revealed to have been hacked by Russia. The hack prompted Trump to stoke the divide among Democrats.
Russia efforts to reach Bernie Sanders supporters more ...

The board notes that you don't care that the 2016 primary was rigged against Bernie.