fully immersed in faith..
You must of mistaken that Fox News paid actor for a Bernie Bot!
I honestly think you are stupid enough to believe that.......
You must of mistaken that Fox News paid actor for a Bernie Bot!
Even Bernie would be a far cry better than Trump.
Vote Blue No Matter Who.
I certainly will.
You know why? Because there is no way Bernie is going to be able to do all the things he is saying he is going to do.
It seems You , Bernie, and his followers have overlooked the part about the Legislation Branch is the one that legislates- The president just signs or refuses to sign Bills.
There is no way a Democrat led or a Republican led Congress is going to Payoff everybody's Student Loans, or take away anyone's Current Insurance, or make all College Campuses free.
You people are wetdreaming and wetting your britches over nothing!
If Bernie is picked I will vote Bernie over trump
what I am clearly saying is BERNIE SANDERS IS THE WRONG PICK
he is a tool of Russia
the Russians hacked the walls off his campaign in 2016
The Russians own all his campaign information and workings
Bernie even tried to deny it back then until the entire intel system said he got hacked in a massive style
They haver the goods on Bernie to destroy him at just the right time
You are getting a bit too far with the whole Russian thing. America has plenty of political corruption that has nothing to do with Russia or other countries. Bernie was stabbed in the back by Schultz and really was a better choice than Hillary with all the baggage she already had. More so I see Bernie as more than just some politician. He's been a champion for the people since way back and is a person I actually really like. Kind of unheard of for a politician. Sad to say but Hillary being female made it even more difficult. Society already was seeing what was laying on the underbelly of society after the first black president came to be. Getting the first female at that point was going to be a challenge. We pressed or luck and were stomped by or weird ways of voting.
Hello evince,
Why will NONE of you Bernie bros come here and DEFEND TAD DEVINE???????
why did Bernie pick a guy who was ass deep in Russian operations?
That you said you'd vote for Bernie if he became the nominee means you're defending Tad and what you consider Russian ties.
because a choice of just one or the other is still a choice huh you stupid fucking russo bot hole
do you want Putin or a guy who Putin has tampered with
do you want death or a cancer that MIGHT kill you
get it dumb fuck
What I get is that you're a hypocrite.
I don't have either one, Putin or the guy you claim Putin tampered with. However, you've admitted you'll take the one that has been tampered with.
over Trump huh scum sucking ass drip