Best and Worst Superbowl ever...

just razzing you bro, I know your not a stalker
your a land barron, praying on unsuspecting single woman
Testosterone levels are fine. I am just not interested in Pro sports. I realize most males do get into the pack behaviour thing. I am just contrary to ordinary and glad of it.
I made lots of points with my lady friend jesterday, much more points than both teams combined got :clink:

you're such a girl
it's not about watching football but rather you choosing instead to gab with the girls while drinking cosmos. im sure you got plenty of "points" uscitizen when you discussed the latest fashions :)
Testosterone levels are fine. I am just not interested in Pro sports. I realize most males do get into the pack behaviour thing. I am just contrary to ordinary and glad of it.
I made lots of points with my lady friend jesterday, much more points than both teams combined got :clink:

As a baseball fan, who only started marginally following football 3 years ago (Patriots vs. Eagles), because I finally had easy access to cable tv for the first time, I would have to completely disagree.

I missed half of the game because of other priorities, which sucked, but I sat down and watched the game for one reason. Its fun to watch sports. Oooh, such a rebel there, CSC! A fucking non-conformist if there ever was one! You want to be a manly non-conformist, leave society for the freedom and independence of the wilderness. Stop following the crowd with desires for community and collective security... :tongout:
it's not about watching football but rather you choosing instead to gab with the girls while drinking cosmos. im sure you got plenty of "points" uscitizen when you discussed the latest fashions :)

LOL gab with the girls ?? Child if you only knew what we did :D
Me personally.............

I gave up on pro football...when the LA Rams left California...Pete Brethord/Hal Bledsoe of the late UCLA/ LARams... went to my HS..They were great players back in the day...the rest of today is just politics of today...just my take mind ya!...'Those were the Days' stolen from a old sit com!:cof1:
as if I give a rats ass what you think.

lol you soooo doo... im clearly getting to you, especially with your desperate attempt at making vauge insinuations to someone who you "apparently" don't care what they think about. I think I hit a nerve :)
Since CSC made so many posts about what he was going to do Super Bowl Sunday, I am inclined to agree with Grind.

Don't get me wrong - wild sex vs. Super Bowl is an obvious choice. But some women actually enjoy watching football. Its called, pre-game show, half-time report, post-game wrap up. Unless you are having a party with your friends and drinking beer, those aspects of the tv coverage can all be skipped in lieu of romance.

But when you go attacking us and calling us mindless followers and conformists, then we have a problem. Don't act like your the only one here who has wild sex stories to tell, CSC. Or do you have Beefy on ignore?
Superbowl Sunday...was there a game?

guess I missed it being that I spent the day clearing snow from my driveway...not a fun game just a beer after I finished.....:cof1: