Best jam/jelly/preserve on PB&J

The question is what kind of jam/jelly/preserve ideally goes on your PB&J.

Maybe you deal with that before launching a tangent, out of courtesy.

As to the topic. Dunno about adding it to PB sandwich, but apple butter sandwich is what clinches it.
Ask your grandmothers. Their own grandmothers had shelves of glass jars of them.

It is long gone. This is why we need to preserve the tradition and keep it fresh.

On my jelly shelf right now you’ll find home canned jars of Concord grape, blackberry (no seeds), muscadine (both native and golden), Mayhaw, elderberry, and some blueberry jam. I don’t think I’ve ever bought a jar of jelly at the store.
On my jelly shelf right now you’ll find home canned jars of Concord grape, blackberry (no seeds), muscadine (both native and golden), Mayhaw, elderberry, and some blueberry jam. I don’t think I’ve ever bought a jar of jelly at the store.

I remember when my grandmothers, great-grandmothers, and great-grandmothers had shelves full of them.

The question is what kind of jam/jelly/preserve ideally goes on your PB&J.

Maybe you deal with that before launching a tangent, out of courtesy.

The kind grandma used to make.

In my case, that would be guava jelly. It's very good.
I probably still have a little something around here.

Yeah, and all I just found was her molasses. Brer Rabbit molasses. Am disappoint.

It could be from the 40s for all I know. Know why it's still around? Only she liked it. Nobody else in the family did.

Oh man! They still sell it. :laugh:

Looks like a Kraft/Heinz brand.
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Honestly I do not care for jelly etc on peanut butter, just the peanut butter for me. I have that most every day I like it that much.
But if I'm having jelly say on toast, I love grape JAM or any sort of blackberry preserves.
Honestly I do not care for jelly etc on peanut butter, just the peanut butter for me. I have that most every day I like it that much.
But if I'm having jelly say on toast, I love grape JAM or any sort of blackberry preserves.

Have you tried peanut butter and honey sammiches, the better the honey the better? I did not hear about that till my friend Paul told me about in when I was a Soph in HS. Even more mind blowing was when my cousin Janet showed me when she was at my house when I was in 8th grade about putting peanut butter on my pancakes before the maple syrup (no butter!).
Have you tried peanut butter and honey sammiches, the better the honey the better? I did not hear about that till my friend Paul told me about in when I was a Soph in HS. Even more mind blowing was when my cousin Janet showed me when she was at my house when I was in 8th grade about putting peanut butter on my pancakes before the maple syrup (no butter!).

No I have not but I am not a fan of salty + sweet. I prefer to keep things simple. That would cover the use of peanut butter on pancakes in addition to syrup. That said I have recently taken to adding whipped cream to waffles with syrup. Yes I do have a sweet tooth.
No I have not but I am not a fan of salty + sweet. I prefer to keep things simple. That would cover the use of peanut butter on pancakes in addition to syrup. That said I have recently taken to adding whipped cream to waffles with syrup. Yes I do have a sweet tooth.

Doing it right peanut butter and maple syrup buttermilk pancakes are both calorie and carb bombs. And I am a diabetic. I allow myself to have them once every few years. They remind me of my youth...pancakes were huge in the midwest in the 70's, we even had pancake houses where pancakes were the main thing served, always homemade, usually secret recipe.....the best served a maple syrup/pancake goo.