Best movie ever nominations


OK, I'm getting rid of the confusing four-round structure.

This round will be nominations, and in the next round you will rate each movie 1-10, we will lop the ratings add the ratings to one another, and the one with the highest total rating will win. We may have a second round if it's close where I'll take the winner and the second place person (using proportional reweighting...).

Everyone will get to put 1 movie directly into the next round, but any additional choices will need a second to make it in.

If this is all just too confusing to you just give me a ranked list of your favorite movies and I'll take care of everything from there.

This is sort of a combination of mine and Dixie's method of nomination... I felt Dixie's method in the best song ever category was a bit too stringent, killing some good songs early simply because some people weren't organized enough to get seconds, but mine simply bombarded people with dozens of irrelevant choices with only a few gems and detracted from the overall quality of the finals.
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You can make one nomination that will go directly to the next round.

You can make other suggestions, but they need to get a second to make it.
Damo - is shawshank the one you want to go to the next round? You may make other suggestions, but you'll need a second for those if they are to go to the next round.
Chick Flick: The Color Purple/Fried Green Tomatoes/Beaches

Horror: 28 Days Later

Drama: The Usual Suspects
I'll put it's a wonderful life in, since two people suggested it.

That means that Tiana and US didn't have that counted against their one, so they still get to suggest one to go right in.

You guys understand this right?
i look at this thread differently than the one I started.. because the one I started was a thread of personal favorites ... not Greatest as Alex the idiot mistakingly (one of his several million) insinuated.
Besides... asking Alex a question like this wouldnt be fair.. it would take original thought.. an area where he his clearly handicapped ...

Enough with the flaming! I shouldnt be taking advantage of the handicapped!

Now to the quetion at hand ... there are 3 movies that I consider clear cut favorites as "The Greatest" .. and they each have the essential ingredients .. that being screen play, cutting edge Cinematography, Acting and Direction. Each spawned a new generation of film making.... Citizen Kane, Casablanca and The Godfather ... come to mind. So I have to play process of elimination... Citizen Kane takes it for Cinematography, The Godfather for acting and screenplay, Godfather and Casablanca are acting equals and Citizen Kane and The Godfather are Directing Equals.

So I would have lay it out in this order ...

The Godfather
Citizen Kane