Best of luck, America


Well-known member
It’s time to accept that we are going to become a white Christian nation. We have gone too far down the road at this point, and personally I’m simply tired of fighting the abject ignorance and casual cruelty that are now the hallmark of our society. We need to care, but I don’t believe any longer that we do. We all saw the debate, and what’s become clear is that Democrats in power are selling us a bill of goods in the form of a candidate who clearly is no longer up to the job. Democrats can’t stop pretending. The Supreme Court now supports an autocratic Christian government and people are more concerned about tik tok influencers than the undoing of democracy. My only consolation that I can say ‘I told you so’ unless the Christian taliban prevents us from free expression (WHICH WILL happen, but hopefully not immediately).

The final straw for me is the scotus immunity ruling, the undoing of chevron, and the absolute glee that those decisions have caused among half of the electorate. Me? I’ll be fine. I’ll change my registration to independent, since I think democrats may meet with violence from the Trump storm troopers. I’m a rich white guy who will likely benefit from this new reality. And if it gets bad enough I can leave. To the rest of you, who are more worried that a trans person will win a trophy, I wish you the best of luck. You’ll need it.

This is not intended to be a debate thread or a pissing contest. It’s too late. The inmates are now running the asylum and the staff are pussies. Just remember this….. if your electric boat is sinking, look for sharks, and never fight up hill me boys, never fight uphill. I hope you’re proud of yourselves.
I am finding this interesting:

Political Ponerology by by Andrew M. Łobaczewski is essential reading for people, like us, living under pathocracy and within a fully ponerized society. A pathocracy is rule by psychopaths and a ponerized society is one that falls under their influence and control. To get to the heart of the matter, you might start at pages 183-191, then backtrack. These pages will read like intense dramatic fiction, only they describe a real phenomenon, one that is happening to us.Incidentally, I wrote the Foreword to the book.Here's a brief summary of pages 183-191:As Łobaczewski explains, pathocracy, or rule by psychopaths, arises through stages, the first stage consisting of the introduction of a political ideology by schizoid personalities. This original ideology is psychologically impoverished due to the schizoids' cynical and psychologically deficient view of human nature and deficits in psychological worldview. "The conviction that Karl Marx is the best example of this is correct..."The original ideology is next adopted by "characteropathic personalities," who vulgarize and popularize the ideology, driving the original adherents out, vilifying, and persecuting them--as happened in the Soviet Union.When the structures created by the ideology are then infiltrated and taken over by psychopaths, the ideology becomes a caricature of itself, and it is no longer useful to describe it in terms of its original nomenclature. It becomes a pathocratic ideology, best understood not in terms of the original ideology but in terms of the diseased mentalities of those who have appropriated and who wield it: "At this point, using the name of the original ideology to designate this phenomenon is meaningless and becomes an error rendering it more difficult to comprehend, and thus counter effectively." By now, even the characteropaths are pushed aside and deemed "counter-revolutionary.""If such a movement triumphs by revolutionary means and in the name of slogans of freedom, the welfare of the people, social justice, and internationalism, this only brings about further transformation of the governmental system thus created into a macrosocial pathological phenomenon. Within this system, the common man is blamed for not having been born a psychopath, and is considered good for nothing except hard work, fighting, and dying to protect a system of government he can neither sufficiently comprehend nor ever consider to be his own."Attacks on "deviationists" become prevalent...The ponerized society nevertheless consists of a majority of normal people, who are needed to undertake functionary roles, at least. Etc.The good news: "The achievement of absolute domination by pathocrats in the government of acountry cannot be permanent since large sectors of the society become disaffected by such rule and eventually find some way of toppling it.."
democratic supporters caught in a phony primary with a fraud candidate trying to convince us we are screwed now that their fraud has been exposed - how Orwellian!
democratic supporters caught in a phony primary with a fraud candidate trying to convince us we are screwed now that their fraud has been exposed - how Orwellian!
The real brain fuck is that America was long ago stolen from us.....just as Carlin constantly tried and failed to warn us about.
The inevitability of fascism is precisely what propagandists want you to believe.

So if Trump loses, and he will, he will stage violent attacks much worse than Jan. 6.
They hold political prisoners for years without so much as a show trial.

They faked an election and faked a pandemic....instituting martial law.

The inevitability of fascism is precisely what propagandists want you to believe.

So if Trump loses, and he will, he will stage violent attacks much worse than Jan. 6.
I was right there with you….. and then the debate happened. I believe now that Biden has been shielded not because he looked frail (which was my belief) but because he was having cognitive issues. If he blows this interview or frankly any contemporaneous speak\ing opportunity he is toast. He may already be.
I was right there with you….. and then the debate happened. I believe now that Biden has been shielded not because he looked frail (which was my belief) but because he was having cognitive issues. If he blows this interview or frankly any contemporaneous speak\ing opportunity he is toast. He may already be.
Let's look at this. Trump is a convicted felon. GOP embraces him.
Biden talked slow for 45 minutes. Hand the keys to the White House to Trump.
Let's look at this. Trump is a convicted felon. GOP embraces him.
Biden talked slow for 45 minutes. Hand the keys to the White House to Trump.
Huge turnout is a must for Democrats. That means large numbers of independents have to turn out. That debate did massive damage to that effort. And this is about more than Trump. It’s about every race on the ballot. Republicans have a huge advantage due to unequal representation. There are voter suppression laws in place that weren’t there in 2020. I don’t see it. I hope Biden comes out and puts this to rest, but I don’t think this was an isolated occurance and it will only get worse. I’m way past concerned. We are on the edge of a fascist takeover. I’m not sure Biden is up to leading the resistance. I hope I’m wrong.
Huge turnout is a must for Democrats. That means large numbers of independents have to turn out. That debate did massive damage to that effort. And this is about more than Trump. It’s about every race on the ballot. Republicans have a huge advantage due to unequal representation. There are voter suppression laws in place that weren’t there in 2020. I don’t see it. I hope Biden comes out and puts this to rest, but I don’t think this was an isolated occurance and it will only get worse. I’m way past concerned. We are on the edge of a fascist takeover. I’m not sure Biden is up to leading the resistance. I hope I’m wrong.
Respectfully, I disagree.