Best Recipe Ever!


From my dog club newsletter:


Take one puppy,
Roll and Play until lightly pampered,
then add the following ingredients -

One cup of Patience,
One cup of Understanding,
One Pinch of Correction,
One Cup of Hard Work,
2 Cups of Praise,
And One and a Half cups of fun,

Blend well,
Heat with the warmth of your heart until raised
or until Puppy has doubled in size.
Mix with owner until consistency is such that owner and dog are one.

Sounds good to me! :)
I prefer the recipe that turns a puppy into General Tso chicken.
We're going to have puppy adobo if ours don't stop chewing shit up!

I lock her up in her kennel cage when she screws wife hear's her whining and wants to love on her....arrrgggghhh!!

Puppies may be cute but they can't grow up fast enough!
We're going to have puppy adobo if ours don't stop chewing shit up!

I lock her up in her kennel cage when she screws wife hear's her whining and wants to love on her....arrrgggghhh!!

Puppies may be cute but they can't grow up fast enough!

The puppy is teething.
Get it some toys that are soft enough to chew on; but not so hard that they'll damage the gums.
The puppy is teething.
Get it some toys that are soft enough to chew on; but not so hard that they'll damage the gums.
All ready done that. She's got 3 chewy toys, a box of puppy milk bones, some puppy chewy treats, a knotted rope to chew on. She chewed up an extension cord tonight....good thing it wasn't plugged in. Last night she chewed up my boot laces!
All ready done that. She's got 3 chewy toys, a box of puppy milk bones, some puppy chewy treats, a knotted rope to chew on. She chewed up an extension cord tonight....good thing it wasn't plugged in. Last night she chewed up my boot laces!

Don't know about the cord; but the laces probably tasted of salt (sweat).

I'm frustrated in disciplining the pup cause my wife wants to love on her.

Greenies are a supposed dental chewing product that Petsmart still sells, despite the findings a couple of years ago that they aren't broken down in the digestive tract (they're too hard). Several dogs died of intestinal obstruction. I can't believe they're still selling that crap.

I'm afraid you're going to have to learn how to puppyproof your house until she grows a bit. Keep shoes up off the floor. Block electrical cords or plug things in higher than she can reach. Praise her for playing with/chewing her toys, in fact get her interest in the toys by offering it to her then pulling it back (I guarantee she'll want it when you do that!).

Rory was the puppy from hell for a while, but we were sufficiently puppy-experienced that we were able to minimize a lot of the damage he did. It was worth it to forgive him (mostly) and try to limit his access to those things he could wreck.

I'm frustrated in disciplining the pup cause my wife wants to love on her.

You can do that in a positive way. "Leave it" is a good thing to teach but you have to catch her while she's doing a wrong thing. Sometimes simple substitution works, and you can remove what she's not supposed to have and give her something acceptable. If you try to discipline after the fact she won't understand why you're acting "that way" and she won't learn from the experience.

Rory, my 53 lb. Aussie, was older than your little one when we had to deal with this, but I learned to my chagrin during classes that he absolutely loves Shelties. I have no idea why; he'd never seen them before, but he always wanted to be with them. It didn't impress their owners! One night during class he started to approach an incoming Sheltie. On the instructor's advice I waited until he started to make his move and picked up his rear legs. He whirled around, surprised, but despite the instructor's warning I know that he'd never bite me no matter what. It certainly got his attention. We got the Sheltie owner to pass again, I repeated the exercise, and he's never, ever done that again, though we see Shelties (and poodles) every week now. I praise him lavishly every time for leaving them alone.
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From my dog club newsletter:


Take one puppy,
Roll and Play until lightly pampered,
then add the following ingredients -

One cup of Patience,
One cup of Understanding,
One Pinch of Correction,
One Cup of Hard Work,
2 Cups of Praise,
And One and a Half cups of fun,

Blend well,
Heat with the warmth of your heart until raised
or until Puppy has doubled in size.
Mix with owner until consistency is such that owner and dog are one.

Sounds good to me! :)

Awww, percy

Greenies are a supposed dental chewing product that Petsmart still sells, despite the findings a couple of years ago that they aren't broken down in the digestive tract (they're too hard). Several dogs died of intestinal obstruction. I can't believe they're still selling that crap.

I'm afraid you're going to have to learn how to puppyproof your house until she grows a bit. Keep shoes up off the floor. Block electrical cords or plug things in higher than she can reach. Praise her for playing with/chewing her toys, in fact get her interest in the toys by offering it to her then pulling it back (I guarantee she'll want it when you do that!).

Rory was the puppy from hell for a while, but we were sufficiently puppy-experienced that we were able to minimize a lot of the damage he did. It was worth it to forgive him (mostly) and try to limit his access to those things he could wreck.

It's not the puppy I'm worried's the wife. She falls for all the puppies tricks. I keep telling her, you don't treat a MinPin any differant then you would a Rottweiler. You don't let a Rott jump on your or snap at you or climb up on the furniture and don't let a MinPin do it either.
It's not the puppy I'm worried's the wife. She falls for all the puppies tricks. I keep telling her, you don't treat a MinPin any differant then you would a Rottweiler. You don't let a Rott jump on your or snap at you or climb up on the furniture and don't let a MinPin do it either.

She needs to take the pup to a puppy class at a reputable local dog club (NOT Petsmart; those people only have two weeks' training) as soon as the pup has had all his shots. Also there are lots of good books out on how to deal with a new puppy. Try to impress on her what what may look cute now won't change if it isn't addressed and won't be cute as the dog gets older. You want a companion you can live with!