Best Recipe Ever!

Yep, ours sleep on the bed too.

I don't see the point in buying an animal that you just feed, throw outside, and ignore all the time. If you don't want to shower your pet in love, don't get one.
Mine are, sounds like yours is; not everyone sees that, though. Our guys even sleep on the bed. They have their own as well, but they prefer to snuggle with us.
I love dogs but I'm not that sentimental about them. The happiest most well adjusted dogs I've seen are the ones that get dogs!

There's nothing wrong with cuddling your dog but the dog has to know that it needs your approval to get on furniture, that your the head of the pack, otherwise they think their the head of the pack. Not a good idea to let that happen.
We let all our dogs on the furniture, except the bed. It's okay to sleep with the kids, but not us.
I love dogs but I'm not that sentimental about them. The happiest most well adjusted dogs I've seen are the ones that get dogs!

There's nothing wrong with cuddling your dog but the dog has to know that it needs your approval to get on furniture, that your the head of the pack, otherwise they think their the head of the pack. Not a good idea to let that happen.

I dunno, that whole "leader of the pack!" trend in dog training just seems pseudoscientific to me.
I dunno, that whole "leader of the pack!" trend in dog training just seems pseudoscientific to me.

That was the philosophy for a long time, but the official thinking has changed quite recently. As I see it, we humans don't really act like dogs, we don't nip, growl, bite and lick. We are the providers of the food, which an alpha male or female doesn't do (exception is the latter for her pups, but that's transient).

I don't think you see nearly the devotion among the subordinate members of a wild (wolf or coyote, eg., pack) that you do in a dog for his or her human. You establish who's in charge but you cheat both yourself and your pet if you don't let yourself really love him.
Well, I think it may be valid to some extent. But, who cares if the dog can get on or off the furniture without your permission? My dog knows, at the end of the day, I give her all her food and I COULD CRUSH HER!
That was the philosophy for a long time, but the official thinking has changed quite recently. As I see it, we humans don't really act like dogs, we don't nip, growl, bite and lick. We are the providers of the food, which an alpha male or female doesn't do (exception is the latter for her pups, but that's transient).

I don't think you see nearly the devotion among the subordinate members of a wild (wolf or coyote, eg., pack) that you do in a dog for his or her human. You establish who's in charge but you cheat both yourself and your pet if you don't let yourself really love him.
Naaa she's got me wrapped around her little paw. I even put milk in her chow bowl. She gets plenty of affection as much as I act like a grouchy old fart towards her she still pays more attention to me then the wife (drives the wife nuts too, hehehehehe).
Red Wine Burger


1 pound ground beef
1/2 cup Red Wine
1 small onion, chopped
2 cloves of garlic, minced
1 teaspoon dry mustard
1 teaspoon mixed herbs
1/2 teaspoon black pepper
1/2 teaspoon salt
2 tablespoons of butter
4 slices mozzarella cheese

Start off by melting the butter in a heavy skillet and adding the chopped onion. Gently sauté until they begin to brown, maybe 7-10 minutes. Then drain off any excess butter and set the cooked onion aside.

Now combine all of the other ingredients in a large bowl and mix well, then throw in the cooked onion and mix again.

Shape the meat into 4 patties with your hands and Broil/Grill/Fry each burger for 4-5 minutes on each side or until the meat is fully cooked through.

Serve on crusty rolls with a slice of mozzarella cheese and enjoy.
Naaa she's got me wrapped around her little paw. I even put milk in her chow bowl. She gets plenty of affection as much as I act like a grouchy old fart towards her she still pays more attention to me then the wife (drives the wife nuts too, hehehehehe).

Well, you might want to start easing off the milk; it gives dogs diarrhea. :(

Otherwise, I'm really not surprised that you're a softie at heart! :D

Rory is supposed to be my husband's dog; we got an Aussie as a companion for our BC as he felt he couldn't deal with the intensity. He was looking for a Border Collie with an off button. Hahaha! We got the quintessential ADHD dog in Rory, and it took a while to get him calm and centered. All in all, he's a really great dog, whereas Barley is more like a really great person. It's just the difference in the breeds. So far as Rory being my husband's dog ... well, who feeds him, takes him to the vet, trains him, etc., etc.? My taller half plays with him and he loves it, but he does spend more time with me.
Well, you might want to start easing off the milk; it gives dogs diarrhea. :(

Otherwise, I'm really not surprised that you're a softie at heart! :D

Rory is supposed to be my husband's dog; we got an Aussie as a companion for our BC as he felt he couldn't deal with the intensity. He was looking for a Border Collie with an off button. Hahaha! We got the quintessential ADHD dog in Rory, and it took a while to get him calm and centered. All in all, he's a really great dog, whereas Barley is more like a really great person. It's just the difference in the breeds. So far as Rory being my husband's dog ... well, who feeds him, takes him to the vet, trains him, etc., etc.? My taller half plays with him and he loves it, but he does spend more time with me.

My son's girl friend gave us a shitzu-mix, a couple of years ago.
Now, I'm not a small dog kind of guy and when we got it, I called it a mop that had lost it's handle.

Fast forward a couple of years and that damn dog listens to me, better then anyone else.
She's a pretty good little mutt; but I swear she thinks she's somekind of big cat.
She sleeps on chairs, the back of the couch, the Grandkid's beds and when outside, she'll get up on the patio table and sleep.
Well, you might want to start easing off the milk; it gives dogs diarrhea. :(

Otherwise, I'm really not surprised that you're a softie at heart! :D

Rory is supposed to be my husband's dog; we got an Aussie as a companion for our BC as he felt he couldn't deal with the intensity. He was looking for a Border Collie with an off button. Hahaha! We got the quintessential ADHD dog in Rory, and it took a while to get him calm and centered. All in all, he's a really great dog, whereas Barley is more like a really great person. It's just the difference in the breeds. So far as Rory being my husband's dog ... well, who feeds him, takes him to the vet, trains him, etc., etc.? My taller half plays with him and he loves it, but he does spend more time with me.
My wife doesn't understand why the pup wants to spend more time with me. It's probably because she wants to mother the dog instead of play rough and tumble play like I do. Well that and I hide bacon in my pocket.