Best Television Series Ever

IHG, even though you didn't ask, I'm going to tell you a little bit about it. The writer and producer, Joss Whedon calls himself a feminist, and says that he got very tired of watching movie after movie where the "little blonde girl" is tortured and killed. So he decided to make a series about a little blonde girl who goes into the alley with the monster, but she's the one who comes out. And the first scene of the first show, he turns decades of horror movies on their head. In many ways, it is a feminist manifesto, but it is also very much filled with metaphors for the horror that is high school, and then beyond.

There really is so much going on there.
I've never seen angel but I've seen one episode of Buffy. Perhaps I shouldn't judge from one episode.

My wife used to have a group of friends who loved the show. We had never seen it but from commercials it didn't look like our type of show. Frankly the episode was so cheesy I started to laugh the whole way through the show. I felt like I was watching an episode of MST3K. We were parodying the show the whole way home.

But I suppose I caught a really bad episode it has some goofy looking green monster or something.

I always laugh now whenever I hear anyone mention Buffy.

But to each his own there were some really bad episodes of Star Trek too but overall I liked that show.

Yeah, you might have caught a bad one. It would be like judging Star Trek from Turnabout Intruder. (see, you didn't know that I'm a total geek)
I can't believe no one mentioned Buffy. Or Angel.

But this series sounds very compelling Ornot.
It is, quite simply, the best drama overall -- writing, acting, editing and even direction, usually -- I've ever seen on television. Nothing else compares with it, except, possibly, the Sopranos in its heyday. Even the Sopranos wasn't as ambitious, though, nor were the characters so complex.

Buffy? :doh:
You guys don't know buffy Ornot! You are making judgements based on the name of the show.

Even our old friend who has recently joined us here, admitted that it had a lot to say, and you know what an opinionated elitist he is.
Buffy was a fun show, but not something I'd ever nominate for the best ever...

Truly. I'd think of 24 or 4400 before I'd think of Buffy... I loved the movie, the comedic action genre bumped up a couple points in my estimation...
Buffy was a fun show, but not something I'd ever nominate for the best ever...

Truly. I'd think of 24 or 4400 before I'd think of Buffy... I loved the movie, the comedic action genre bumped up a couple points in my estimation...

I don't know what 4400 is Damo, and I don't watch 24, and never would. Buffy, and Angel as well, had many layers, some incredible acting, and top rate writing. Both shows appealed to me. But there is very little tv that I like, so I suppose I'm a little weird.
Yeah I bet it was all about feminism and had nothing to do with a hot chick moving around and killing vampires.

Feminists can be hot Grind.

It wasn't all about feminism, but the show was created and moulded, and often written, by a feminist. That's bound to reflect.
arrested development.

Grind wins.

Runners up would be the Office(british), Fawlty Towers.

Oh wait this isn't just comedies huh.

24, Sopranos before it sucked.

Anyone see the new Dr. Who? I thought that was some stupid shit when I was a kid but the new one is pretty cool.
Grind wins.

Runners up would be the Office(british), Fawlty Towers.

Oh wait this isn't just comedies huh.

24, Sopranos before it sucked.

Anyone see the new Dr. Who? I thought that was some stupid shit when I was a kid but the new one is pretty cool.
I shall say this only once... You've left out 'Allo 'Allo. I think the multitude of interwoven plots centering on the stolen "Portrait of the Fallen Madonna (with big boobies) by Von Klomp" is brilliant.
If the first season of Rome was any indication, it will challange as the best ever. Its kind of tough to measure comedy against drama. Two different discussions. For Comedy you can go all the way back to the Honeymooners, I Love Lucy, Andy Griffith, Dick VanDyke, and the 70's with All in the Family, Taxi, Mary Tyler Moore and the Odd Couple, and then Cheers in 80's and Sienfeld in the 90's. The 2000's? Curb your Enthusiasm.
For drama .... Id go with The Twighlight Zone, Hill Street Blues, Dallas, X-Files, Soprano's, Six feet Under, 24 and now Rome are all in a class by themselves .. havent watched Wire ... but after that review ..may have to start .. because HBO has one hell of a track record.
If the first season of Rome was any indication, it will challange as the best ever. Its kind of tough to measure comedy against drama. Two different discussions. For Comedy you can go all the way back to the Honeymooners, I Love Lucy, Andy Griffith, Dick VanDyke, and the 70's with All in the Family, Taxi, Mary Tyler Moore and the Odd Couple, and then Cheers in 80's and Sienfeld in the 90's. The 2000's? Curb your Enthusiasm.
For drama .... Id go with The Twighlight Zone, Hill Street Blues, Dallas, X-Files, Soprano's, Six feet Under, 24 and now Rome are all in a class by themselves .. havent watched Wire ... but after that review ..may have to start .. because HBO has one hell of a track record.
Try it: you will be amazed. Sunday will be a good opportunity because they're starting a new story arc -- which is why I posted this in the first place.
because HBO has one hell of a track record.

Yeah... HBO's track record:

1 season of Superfantastic shows followed closely by a season of mediocre shows, next season partially sucky, then the full suck on for a season, followed by "Why the HELL am I watching this!"