Wow you get my vote"Booyah! Oil up 200K, when captain GWB come off the river denile and no senile and Dem in, alternative make me 400K with nothing but MBA. All you gerber need to get off the welath hatehorse and go Hil straight to the box! "
Vote Dano best Top impersonator. Top still does himself best but Dano should get the vote for the best OVER THE TOP impersonation.And mine.That was hilarious!
Not bad either.job doomers wrong agin. Tryin to teech you winy spineless jellymen libs
class dismizzed, grasshopper.
I voted for oncelor, he knows I'm a teacher at heart.
Seriously.TERRIBLE Topsin impersonation.
RLMFO there is dula the want ad writret over her hed on a economist head again. Duhla instead of following me around hear you should be at the gym if you wern’t a doble diggiter you might get a beter job even with that jr college degre ad we no youll never get a man