Most of us already knew this. We know Biden is a liar and we csan never trust him. So how long before our first soldier dies and how long before Biden starts WW3
It’s incredible how this administration will lie to our faces. Still, they will eventually just come clean because they know no one will hold them accountable.
This week, it was announced that the Biden administration is contemplating sending more troops to Ukraine to help track the flow of U.S. weapons into the embattled country.
Did you catch that they are thinking about sending more troops? That’s right, there have been American military personnel in Ukraine for a while now, even though the President promised us that we wouldn’t send U.S. troops to Ukraine.
They told the lie, mainstream media spread the lie, and now they are coping to the truth. But, unfortunately, mainstream media is burying the lede because they assume you are too dumb to notice. How they get away with treating all of us like simple-minded rubes is by playing fancy footwork with their words.And this is what we call in the business of war ‘mission creep’.
It starts as no troops; then it evolves into troops in surrounding areas to help train the nation in question, then it becomes easier to go ahead and move those troops in to observe and inspect. Vietnam should ring some bells here.Take a wild guess as to what comes next. The second reason is tied directly to a new weapons system we plan to send.This week it was announced that the Pentagon and the White House are weighing the plans to send Patriot missiles to Ukraine.