T. A. Gardner
Thread Killer
Your ancestors came here illegally
My ancestors immigrated to Mexico, not the US. Then they found they didn't like Mexico's rules so they held a revolution and formed the Republic of Texas.
Your ancestors came here illegally
Correct. Your short answer says it all, thanks for saving me the time.
My ancestors immigrated to Mexico, not the US. Then they found they didn't like Mexico's rules so they held a revolution and formed the Republic of Texas.
You refused to define treason, DumberthanMost. Why?
Unlike you and your dimwitted friends, I'm not going to agree to something without the terms clearly spelled out. The fact remains you lie a lot, you hate the US government and you advocate killing Americans due to your wacky beliefs about American governments at all levels.
feel free to ignore and backpedal all you like, statist. sling whatever bullshit you hope sticks, but we all now know that you'll do whatever government tells you to do, no matter how wrong and unconstitutional.