Biden admits truth Finally amazing

WRONG. The right to self defense is inherent. No government can take that away. The right to defend your interests is inherent. No government can take that away. Even animals have this right and will defend themselves and their interests with every available means.
The Constitution of the United States specifically prohibits federal and State governments from messing with this inherent right.

That is bullshit, reducing an abstract concept as individual rights to the level of a bumper sticker, but even given you the premise, no where does in say nor imply that having a gun is necessary for your "inherent right" to defend your self
nobody gives a fuck about what some mindless lib'rul thinks "arms" means......the issue will be what the courts think it the way, I believe the military officially considers three of those four to be artillery......

All of the weapons he listed are constitutionally legal. The government has no authority to infringe upon their use or ownership.
So in other words, you can't answer the question.
RQAA. The question was answered.
The 2nd amendment does not specify which or what kind of arms are permissible, yet we all know the govt can and does restrict which arms a private citizen can own.
Illegally and unconstitutionally.
Artillery still falls under the heading of "arms".
And as a citizen you cannot legally own them.
The same could be true of the AR-15 if that's what the govt decides is in the interest of the public.
The government has no such authority.
No it isn't their second amendment right. That amendment says you can keep and bear arms, it says nothing about an AR15. There are plenty of guns that you CAN'T have. You say you will defend them to the death then why aren't you doing that now? I'm looking for a 50 cal sub machine gun do you know where I'll find a gun shop to sell me one? That's "arms" isn't it, how come you aren't fighting that? Or grenades, those are arms aren't they, are you fighting over not being allowed to have a few of them? I really want a howitzer in my front yard. I doubt many of you have as many guns as I do but if I had to give up a few so be it.

You are allowed to own and use any weapon. There are no restrictions that are constitutionally legal.
You are full of shit. sub machine guns are arms and you can't have one of them. There are PLENTY of arms that are outlawed.

You can have them. I know people that do have them, and they shoot them. The government has NO authority to infringe on any weapon or type of gun.
The law decides.

You don't decide squat, bug.

The law decides. The Constitution of the United States is the highest law of the land. It provides for NO authority for the federal government or any State government to infringe on the right to own and use ANY weapon.

But you want to ignore and discard the Constitution of the United States.
Mass shootings require at least 10 people to be killed before they are classified as such. Between 2007 and 2019 I count 257 people killed incidents with 10 or more killed where the perpetrator used a semiautomatic rifle. If we require 10 deaths then according to FBI data ZERO people were killed in mass stabbings from 2007-2018.

You are attempting to mix numbers and cherry pick stats based on your bias.
You restrict killings by assault style weapons by only using AR-15 and mass shootings then you include ALL stabbings as a comparison.

Irrelevance fallacy.
The law decides. The Constitution of the United States is the highest law of the land. It provides for NO authority for the federal government or any State government to infringe on the right to own and use ANY weapon.

But you want to ignore and discard the Constitution of the United States.

It also doesn't bar State or Federal authorities from regulating the right to own any weapon, you seem to be the one "ignoring the Constitution"