Biden admits truth Finally amazing

Biased Faux News BS.

Why does the gy need an AR-15 to defend his home?

Why can't he use a 12 ga shotgun or a 30.30 or a 30.06?

Why can't he use a Glock or some other hand gun?

Where is it written that an AR-15 is the only weapon that you can use to defend your home against intruders?

Why does he need the permission of douchy progressives, such as you?
Biased Faux News BS.

Why does the gy need an AR-15 to defend his home?

Why can't he use a 12 ga shotgun or a 30.30 or a 30.06?

Why can't he use a Glock or some other hand gun?

Where is it written that an AR-15 is the only weapon that you can use to defend your home against intruders?
Where is it written that you CAN'T use an AR-15?
Why does he need the permission of douchy progressives, such as you?

First of all, I am not a progressive. I hold most of them in almost as much disdain as I do your ilk.

Second of all, he doesn't need my permission.

He needs authorization from the government whose job it is to determine such things based on several factors including public safety and the common good.

If the government feels that AR-15's are not necessary to protect one's home and/or that owners should register them with ATF, then that's just the way it is.

Douchebags like you don't get to pick and choose which laws you'll obey and which ones you won't.
Where is it written that you CAN'T use an AR-15?

I don't know who said it was written anywhere.

Apparently, the govt wants to either buy them back or have owners register them.

Don't know how that equates to saying they can't be owned. :dunno:
Where is it written that you CAN'T use an AR-15?

very true is ism not written that you can not. A ar 15 is a multi use gun depending on configuration it can be used for self defense target shooting and hunting small to deer sized game.
As for self defense I would not use any of mine for that except in a riot situation or looting , Its more suited for a large property defense or multiple targets.
I live in a private community in Florida now and not in a rual area or a farm anymore and have been here for several year.
I never had a ar 15 until i moved here and recalled the riots in la and the hurricane after math in New Orleans with people killing and looting. I decide to get in to ar 15s for that reason . very inexpensive to build to very expensive depending on what you want it for and .
I have 3 I built them all myself and each has a different use .

A pistol is fine for home protection and a shot gun is also fine but some smaller framed women find them difficult to shoot due to the heavy recoil .
Biased Faux News BS.

Why does the gy need an AR-15 to defend his home?

Why can't he use a 12 ga shotgun or a 30.30 or a 30.06?

Why can't he use a Glock or some other hand gun?

Where is it written that an AR-15 is the only weapon that you can use to defend your home against intruders?
Will they kill you less dead than a AR 15?
First of all, I am not a progressive. I hold most of them in almost as much disdain as I do your ilk.

Second of all, he doesn't need my permission.

He needs authorization from the government whose job it is to determine such things based on several factors including public safety and the common good.

If the government feels that AR-15's are not necessary to protect one's home and/or that owners should register them with ATF, then that's just the way it is.

Douchebags like you don't get to pick and choose which laws you'll obey and which ones you won't.

MY my such a potty mouth , I dont pick and choose what laws I obey I try to follow them all but do occasionally speed.

why in the world would there be a need to register a gun with the ATF ?
I have restricted fire arms and devices that I had to request permission from the atf to buy and own and I paid for the tax stamps. but a ar 15b is just a semi automatic rifle that shoot a .22 cal round . its not classified as a short barreled rifle or a machine gun .

And no its not the governments job to determine its the peoples and the constitution
They are one of the weapons of choice of mass shooters/killers.

They have no place in a safe, civilised, law-abiding society.

The vast majority of owners of Ar15 rifles are indeed law abiding citizens and far more people are killed years by knives then a ar15 .
You need to educate your self a bit and learn .

Again, analysis regarding the AR-15 — the so-called “weapon of choice” of mass shooters — produces less-than-impressive numbers. Between 2007 and 2018, 173 people were killed by mass shooters using an AR-15, according to a New York Times analysis — roughly, 15 per year.

Oct 08, 2019 · According to the FBI data, 1,515 were stabbed, cut, or maimed to death by a knife or other cutting instrument.
The vast majority of owners of Ar15 rifles are indeed law abiding citizens and far more people are killed years by knives then a ar15 .
You need to educate your self a bit and learn .

Again, analysis regarding the AR-15 — the so-called “weapon of choice” of mass shooters — produces less-than-impressive numbers. Between 2007 and 2018, 173 people were killed by mass shooters using an AR-15, according to a New York Times analysis — roughly, 15 per year.

Oct 08, 2019 · According to the FBI data, 1,515 were stabbed, cut, or maimed to death by a knife or other cutting instrument.

Total numbers have nothing to do with it.

Mass shooters and psychopaths love assault style rifles and that's more than enough reason to ban them.

Just because a bunch of selfish, right-wing, macho idiot redneck gun-goobers, barrel-strokers and trigger-lickers don't like the idea of being told which guns they can and can't own with zero regard for putting public safety over and above their own selfish wants, doesn't mean jack shit.

When the govt says give them up, you'll give them up.

And that day is coming.
Total numbers have nothing to do with it.

Mass shooters and psychopaths love assault style rifles and that's more than enough reason to ban them.

Just because a bunch of selfish, right-wing, macho idiot redneck gun-goobers, barrel-strokers and trigger-lickers don't like the idea of being told which guns they can and can't own with zero regard for putting public safety over and above their own selfish wants, doesn't mean jack shit.

When the govt says give them up, you'll give them up.

And that day is coming.

sadly you are wrong again you don't even know the difference between a assault rifle and a rifle.

How does a rifle classify as a 'assault' rifle?

An assault rifle , as opposed to the extremely flimsy and stupid US political term " assault weapon" is defined as a selective-fire rifle that fires an intermediate cartridge. It differs from a battle rifle which fores a full sized cartridge, and from a submachine gun that fires a pistol cartridge

A ar 15 is not selective fire .
youto have very limited knowledge of fire arms and how people die in America and I do not mean that as a insult to you just my opinion.
just think you could save over 1500 more lives a year by banning knifes then ar 15s what about clubs I wonder , figures showed that 467 people were killed with “blunt objects why thats several times as many also.
how many are killed with cars ,37,461 people were killed in 34,436 motor vehicle crashes, an average of 102 per day. well thats thousand of times more people killed.

banning ar 15s would have little to no affect on people being killed in mass killings , people who were going to commit such acts would just fine another way .
you want to punish millions of gun owners why are law abiding citizens who have broken no laws .

And do you have any clue how many semi auto rifles there are in the states ? I don't know myself to honest but the numbers would run into at least 150 million . there are about 386 million guns total in the usa.

Guns are not the issue here but people are.