Biden admits truth Finally amazing

Americans are not willing to disarm. You are NOT going to do us like Australia. We'll come for the disarmers before that happens.
This is America. I suggest you do some history research.
Biden already violated the Oath of Office which he hasn't even taken yet if this is the case..
Going against the Constitution. 2nd amendment.. done.

Do you not think most Americans would not like to just murder all commie fucktards and get on with life?
Because they would.. believe me.

That's that 1st amendment stuff. When they start trampling on the 2nd, you're in for a fucking glorious bad time, you fucking commie pieces of shit!
I bet less than 150 guns EVER get given up. We're going to kill you all! FUCK YOU!
WAR! FUCK YOU!! It has come to this.
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First of all, I am not a progressive. I hold most of them in almost as much disdain as I do your ilk.

Second of all, he doesn't need my permission.

He needs authorization from the government whose job it is to determine such things based on several factors including public safety and the common good.

If the government feels that AR-15's are not necessary to protect one's home and/or that owners should register them with ATF, then that's just the way it is.

Douchebags like you don't get to pick and choose which laws you'll obey and which ones you won't.

No. 2nd amendment, next! What's the ATF gonna do with a supermajority saying "no"?
And meaning it. :I
I don't have one, but if someone wants to have one, then by gum that's their 2nd amendment right to have it, and I will defend them to the death with deadly force. That's defending the Constitution and freedom in America.
No. 2nd amendment, next! What's the ATF gonna do with a supermajority saying "no"?
And meaning it. :I
I don't have one, but if someone wants to have one, then by gum that's their 2nd amendment right to have it, and I will defend them to the death with deadly force. That's defending the Constitution and freedom in America.

Please show me where in the wording of the 2nd amendment that it says anything about "AR-15".

I'll wait.
So why can't you own a rocket launcher?

Or a mortar?

Or a fully automatic "machine gun"?

Or a fully operational tank?

Those are all "arms"....

nobody gives a fuck about what some mindless lib'rul thinks "arms" means......the issue will be what the courts think it the way, I believe the military officially considers three of those four to be artillery......
nobody gives a fuck about what some mindless lib'rul thinks "arms" means......the issue will be what the courts think it means.....

So in other words, you can't answer the question.

The 2nd amendment does not specify which or what kind of arms are permissible, yet we all know the govt can and does restrict which arms a private citizen can own.

by the way, I believe the military officially considers three of those four to be artillery......

Artillery still falls under the heading of "arms".

And as a citizen you cannot legally own them.

The same could be true of the AR-15 if that's what the govt decides is in the interest of the public.
So in other words, you can't answer the question.

The 2nd amendment does not specify which or what kind of arms are permissible, yet we all know the govt can and does restrict which arms a private citizen can own.


then obviously they are all protected........the government restricts no arms or it would be violating the constitution......sorry you are so obviously an idiot........
No. 2nd amendment, next! What's the ATF gonna do with a supermajority saying "no"?
And meaning it. :I
I don't have one, but if someone wants to have one, then by gum that's their 2nd amendment right to have it, and I will defend them to the death with deadly force. That's defending the Constitution and freedom in America.

No it isn't their second amendment right. That amendment says you can keep and bear arms, it says nothing about an AR15. There are plenty of guns that you CAN'T have. You say you will defend them to the death then why aren't you doing that now? I'm looking for a 50 cal sub machine gun do you know where I'll find a gun shop to sell me one? That's "arms" isn't it, how come you aren't fighting that? Or grenades, those are arms aren't they, are you fighting over not being allowed to have a few of them? I really want a howitzer in my front yard. I doubt many of you have as many guns as I do but if I had to give up a few so be it.
then obviously they are all protected........the government restricts no arms or it would be violating the constitution......sorry you are so obviously an idiot........

You are full of shit. sub machine guns are arms and you can't have one of them. There are PLENTY of arms that are outlawed.
nobody gives a fuck about what some mindless lib'rul thinks "arms" means......the issue will be what the courts think it the way, I believe the military officially considers three of those four to be artillery......

The supreme court has already ruled that certain arms can be outlawed and some arms are outlawed, where have you been?
Biased Faux News BS.

Why does the gy need an AR-15 to defend his home?

Why can't he use a 12 ga shotgun or a 30.30 or a 30.06?

Why can't he use a Glock or some other hand gun?

Where is it written that an AR-15 is the only weapon that you can use to defend your home against intruders?

Where is it written that you get to decide how someone else defends him/herself in THEIR home?

Don't worry. I have the 12 ga, the 30.06, the 30.30, and an array of handguns. If and when I should have to defend my home from an intruder, I, not you, will pick what I use.
Why does the gy need an AR-15 to defend his home?

Why can't he use a 12 ga shotgun or a 30.30 or a 30.06?

Why can't he use a Glock or some other hand gun?

Where is it written that an AR-15 is the only weapon that you can use to defend your home against intruders?

this is why you idiots should never be allowed to discuss, much less vote on, a gun control law

whats the max effective range of a 30-30? 12 ga slug? 30.06? 5.56 mm round?

go educate yourself on guns and the 2nd Amendment, then come back and talk to us adults