so far this thread sucks, completely lacking in small penis ad homs...........
So if Harris does this like she does her border czar job nothing will get done. I guess that is why Biden also appointed two anti-gun activist to help Harris
There is no such thing as "gun violence" you stupid cowardly Owl...
Guns aren't sentient beings... They don't go around killing people... There's no good reason to hump one either, as nothing good results from doing so.
Good, shows he has the courage to flip off the NRA and address the problem of forty thousand plus Americans every year dying from gun violence. The right’s alternative is mores guns, and daily we witness how absurdity of that strategy
Nah... ThatOwlCoward's claim was like saying that a bat could have hit all those home runs without Babe Ruth.Amazing, like saying Babe Ruth could have hit all those home runs without a bat
Well, how tragic. Not.
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Today, 11:12 AM
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when an active shooting situation occurs, anywhere, what's the first thing ANYBODY tries to do?
you call someone with a GUN!!!!!! then you morons PRAY for them to get there in time...............
now, what you call an absurdity is easily refuted by the number of defensive gun uses on an annual basis..............but the left doesn't like that.
Nah... ThatOwlCoward's claim was like saying that a bat could have hit all those home runs without Babe Ruth.
hyperbolic arguments clearly indicates you have no rebuttal to a sane argument. What's even more hilarious is that you think disarming the law abiding will make them if criminals will suddenly start obeying gun laws.I forgot, you want to arm every man, women, and child in America, have them all packing 24/7, we got people shooting at each other at Little League games and you think arming everyone will address the idiocy
As i've stated many times before, it's WHO is and is not carrying the guns as well as those good people that DO try to help protect their communities get persecuted and prosecuted by you hate filled cowards, so they choose to avoid it.Let me ask the question, America is more armed today than any developed nation in the world, more guns out there than people, so consequently, why do we still lead all developed nations, lead by a lot, in gun violence and deaths, including homicides? Based on your logic, shouldn’t we be the safest?
I forgot, you want to arm every man, women, and child in America, have them all packing 24/7, we got people shooting at each other at Little League games and you think arming everyone will address the idiocy
Let me ask the question, America is more armed today than any developed nation in the world, more guns out there than people, so consequently, why do we still lead all developed nations, lead by a lot, in gun violence and deaths, including homicides? Based on your logic, shouldn’t we be the safest?
hyperbolic arguments clearly indicates you have no rebuttal to a sane argument. What's even more hilarious is that you think disarming the law abiding will make them if criminals will suddenly start obeying gun laws.
As i've stated many times before, it's WHO is and is not carrying the guns as well as those good people that DO try to help protect their communities get persecuted and prosecuted by you hate filled cowards, so they choose to avoid it.
Look at how many of you spineless fucks attacked the indiana mall savior because he ignored mall property rules about no guns, yet he SAVED countless lives............and all you could do is call him names and attack his character.
Who said "you want to arm every man, women, and child in America"?
“smart,” stating the only end to gun violence is for everyone to pack certainly implies everyone should carry
I didn't see "everyone" in any of his posts.
Hyperbolic? Have you not said in the past that the only way to prevent gun violence was for everyone to carry a gun? That more guns in more people’s hands would address the problem? And as I have pointed out before, the majority of the mass shooters were law biding gun owners right up until they squeeze the trigger
Noticeable you didn’t answer nor even address the question, telling
And the “who is and who is not carrying the guns” negates your own argument since it implies limits on access which you have told us repeatedly violates the Constitution
if you feel it necessary to equate my statement of more guns in more peoples hands as wanting to arm every child, then YES, that's hyperbolic.
where do most of those mass shootings occur? where most, if not all, people are unarmed by rule or law. I cannot imagine a scenario of someone attempting to commit a mass shooting, knowing that there will be half a dozen people there to shoot back in seconds.
also, you're either being intellectuallly dishonest, or just plain stupid, by stating that i'm talking about limiting guns with 'who is and is not carrying' when I clearly identified the situation that most people don't want to deal with the harrassment that cowardly leftists tend to inflict upon people with guns.
The Ho hasn't done anything to stop the influx of illegals, so us gun owners shouldn't have anything to worry about.
Blah blah blah Fox talking points blah blah blah. The irony of accusing the other side of lying, while lying your ample ass off -- rich! lol
Yep. Fox is only good for the Simpsons, sports, and those mediocre films.
The Reichwing sheeple think that not selling Army surplus weapons and tactical gear to cop shops is "defunding" them. Interestingly, these same cretins believe that every citizen should have their very own weapon of war on hand, often times firearms more powerful than what their local LEOs have. It's basically nothing but escalation: citizens armed with military-grade firearms require cops with even better stuff.
You're correct, as usual, so I'm just going to whine about you "arguing semantics" instead...