Biden - Five decades of stupidity and failure

Biden is no genius, but he is plenty smart enough and experienced for the job. The dumb one is Trump, both in native intelligence and experience. Add in that he has been handed great wealth and has no idea how other folks live, and does not care about them either, and you have the worst president in history.
I played yesterday and Monday, but today was a no go. I suspect tomorrow will be a rain out. Friday I will play again. I have hit the ball surprisingly good considering I haven't even swung a club in practice since last November.

Do you suspect I will feel differently about the things on which I commented (and you quoted) after golf?

Anyway, no matter how history eventually rates Joe Biden, it higher than his predecessor, which was my point. Frankly, I think he is handling the mess in front on him about as good as it could be handled...and infinitely better than the former guy would have.

Been windy here. We've had a few nice days and had one calm enough to go to the gun club. Rifle shoots pretty good, for a 74 yr. old :)

Well, I would hope your conservative golfing buddies would persuade you to see things clearly.

You cannot say it would be higher rating. At this point in Trumps presidency, things were going well. That is a fact. He didn't fuck things up like Biden has, and continues to do. At this rate, we'll be in WWIII in no time.
Such childish right-wing stupidity. Biden was one of 100 senators and one of 535 politicians. He ran nothing. He did not set policy. It takes a dummy to think that thread makes sencse.

joe biden was the architect of the civil asset forfeiture law used now to allow the government to steal from innocent citizens
joe biden was the architect of the civil asset forfeiture law used now to allow the government to steal from innocent citizens

In fact, civil asset forfeiture laws were pushed through by Repubs and Dems in the 1980's. The 84 bill had 16 co-sponsors, mostly Reds. It was shepherded through Congress by Thurmond and Fish, both Repubs.