Why are you such an asshole?
...annnnd the usual insults.
The president is not king. Did you just make that up?
No. The founders did.
Presidents set agendas. That is what they do.
Everyone that wants to accomplish something sets an agenda. Big hairy deal.
You don't present arguments. You make drive-by claims.
Inversion fallacy. You are describing yourself again.
You ignorant asshole. I did not say he was a king, merely that he sets the agenda.
Repetition fallacy. Insult fallacy.
Do you think saying the president is not a king is presenting an argument?
Yes. It's the argument the founders made when creating the United States. I happen to agree with it. I support the Constitution of the United States and anyone in politics that does so. That is why I support Trump.
Do you really? dumb shit.
https://researchrepository.wvu.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=3870&context=etd There are not 4 people where who use the same format, the same words, have the same shitty attitude and use the same words.
You have socks
and are fooling nobody.
If you are going to go by that criteria to define a 'sock', then you, Dutch, Perry, moon, lv246, and many others around here are all socks. They use the same format, the same words, and have the same shitty attitude. They also repeat themselves.
Science is the same...everywhere...all the time. New theories are created, and others are falsified. If someone else describes this, that doesn't make them a sock.
Mathematics is the same...everywhere...all the time. 2+2 still equals 4. If someone else describes this, that doesn't make them a sock.
Logic is the same. ?A still produces A. That doesn't make them a sock. If you make a fallacy (an error in logic), and someone else points it out, that doesn't make them a sock.
The Constitution of the United States is the same. If someone else quotes it or refers to it, that doesn't make them a sock.
I have created a few acronyms to reduce wordiness of common problems you idiots have. If someone else happens to use them, that doesn't make them a sock.
If someone happens to be on another forum that I frequent, that doesn't make them a sock.
You are whining because you have no argument. The whole 'sock' thing is just another attempt at insulting.
You are a nothing. Throwing insults and doing the usual 'sock' BS is a nothing. You have no argument. You tried and are still trying to give the President kingship through semantic arguments (a fallacy). You are a bigot and hateful. You, like the other Democrats, discard the Constitution of the United States and all state Constitutions.