That is because the trumpsters refused the " trump vaccine".
Correct. But they denied the death toll numbers all along. The usual hypocrisy on display.
That is because the trumpsters refused the " trump vaccine".
And you know this for a fact it's only "trumpsters" who refused the vaccine?
My Gf, who works at a hospital, says a number of libs refuse it as well. Including nurses and doctors. So you are wrong.
I don't care who you are or what you support; There will be no escaping the results of his disastrous policies.
You're going to feel the pain this man wants you to feel.
There's no escaping it.
He did it all on his 1st day with this:
He doesn't care if you're Democrat or Republican; You're not him or his and he doesn't care about you.
As for anybody cheering for that? You're pretty stupid.
$5/gal gas and it's just a matter of time until there is none to be had.
The vast majority who refused the vaccine were Republicans. It is a fact.
"The central interest of this study is on the power of partisanship to affect vaccination behavior. In this model, party identification is statistically significant and in the expected direction. The more Republican (less Democratic) a person’s political leanings, the less likely they are to have gotten vaccinated, all else being equal. One way to assess the substantive power of party to predict vaccination is to translate the results of the model into specific probabilities.55 For Americans who were age-eligible for the vaccine and identically average in terms of all other predictors, the model predicts that a strong Democrat has a .58 probability of having been vaccinated (greater than an even chance) whereas a strong Republican has a .37 probability of having been vaccinated (substantially less than an even chance)."
This is not an isolated study. Every survey, poll, and study said exactly the same thing. In general, the greatest hesitancy among Democrats was among minorities. Edlucation also played a role, the more educated, the more likely to have been vaccinated. So basically, uneducated rubes were the largest demographic of unvaccinated.
That ^ was from 2016. Lol!
Well- If the Butthurtedness fits- YOU WEAR IT!![]()
I'll believe what I'm told by someone who worked at a hospital through the Chinese Disease shutdown. Believe what you want.
Yes because a bloated secretary who works in a hospital is an expert and "knows"![]()
I'll piss in their Cheerios!
My concern's are for where I'm at, not where you're at.
You should consult with the hospital parking lot attendant
Tell me, Mr. Lizard. What am I butthurt from? Aside from Bidenflation and record fuel prices?
I don't care who you are or what you support; There will be no escaping the results of his disastrous policies.
You're going to feel the pain this man wants you to feel.
There's no escaping it.
He did it all on his 1st day with this:
He doesn't care if you're Democrat or Republican; You're not him or his and he doesn't care about you.
As for anybody cheering for that? You're pretty stupid.
$5/gal gas and it's just a matter of time until there is none to be had.
Trump didn't win the election, Biden did, so that tore you a new asshole and you have been spewing smelly shit here into the forum ever since!
I'm hoping Port Tack was using the expression "You idiot..." the way it is used in these kinds of discussions rather than as a true assessment, because I do NOT think you are an idiot.
I am not sure what the hell you, and others like you, are...naïve, credulous, a sucker...or what. How is it possible that you, and people like you, have not realized that you have been had by Trump...and that Trump has done serious, lasting, perhaps fatal damage to our nation? You are not stupid, Matt...but the truth is so obvious at this point, it is definitive.
And make no mistake, EVERY conversation about perceived weakness in what Biden is doing MUST be seen in the light of "we had a choice between him...and more of Trump!" The ONLY reasonable, intelligent, patriotic thing one could do is to choose Joe Biden in that contest. There is almost nothing Joe Biden can do right now that is not better for America and the world than what Trump almost certainly would be doing. And you, and the others like you, are greatly overstating the case that he is doing the wrong things. He is performing as a president in a much better, more dignified, more intelligent way than you people are supposing.
WAKE THE FUCK UP! Even if Joe Biden were as bad at the job as you people are (erroneously) supposing...the fault falls on YOU for having "more of Trump" as the alternative.
According to Miss Kitty, Scranton Joey is dipping his dick in steroids.
The republican party is destroying voting rights, abusing women, destroying education, destroying the environment, and this fucking asshole is worried about gasoline prices.
The vast majority who refused the vaccine were Republicans. It is a fact.
"The central interest of this study is on the power of partisanship to affect vaccination behavior. In this model, party identification is statistically significant and in the expected direction. The more Republican (less Democratic) a person’s political leanings, the less likely they are to have gotten vaccinated, all else being equal. One way to assess the substantive power of party to predict vaccination is to translate the results of the model into specific probabilities.55 For Americans who were age-eligible for the vaccine and identically average in terms of all other predictors, the model predicts that a strong Democrat has a .58 probability of having been vaccinated (greater than an even chance) whereas a strong Republican has a .37 probability of having been vaccinated (substantially less than an even chance)."
This is not an isolated study. Every survey, poll, and study said exactly the same thing. In general, the greatest hesitancy among Democrats was among minorities. Edlucation also played a role, the more educated, the more likely to have been vaccinated. So basically, uneducated rubes were the largest demographic of unvaccinated.
He has a point. They will never agree to get the vaccine. So we need to treat them like lepers and keep them from participating in society. That's where the mandates come in.