Biden Plan Will Raise Taxes on the Middle Class


You're the ones who will raise our taxes because you passed a dumb tax cut that forced it.

You didn't have to raise our taxes. But you did anyway.
Imbecile joe took away the tax break that people making between 40 and 80k under trump. Those people will be paying more in taxes no matter what the top 20% but somehow you think you've made some profound point.

some people are to stupid to see the facts
You're the ones who will raise our taxes because you passed a dumb tax cut that forced it.

You didn't have to raise our taxes. But you did anyway.

ok tell us how a tax cut forced you to pay more taxes go ahead I want to hear it
ok tell us how a tax cut forced you to pay more taxes go ahead I want to hear it

Try to follow the thread, dingus.

The tax cut YOU SUPPORT expires in 2025 and the rates the middle class pays will be higher than what they paid before the tax cut.

That's how you all wrote the dumb law.

You built tax increases into it on purpose because that was the only way you could pass it through Reconciliation.
Try to follow the thread, dingus.

The tax cut YOU SUPPORT expires in 2025 and the rates the middle class pays will be higher than what they paid before the tax cut.

That's how you all wrote the dumb law.

You built tax increases into it on purpose because that was the only way you could pass it through Reconciliation.

well biden killed it dingus and taxes will be going up for sure.
well biden killed it dingus and taxes will be going up for sure.

Good! Glad he killed it because it was the second biggest domestic policy failure of this century, the first being the Bush Tax Cuts.

I'm totally happy to pay more taxes if it means we get better roads and least we'll have something to show for the tax increases.

We have NOTHING to show for the tax cuts other than the massive budget deficit they caused.