Biden Says He Did Not Tell DOJ to Charge Trump

She must have been very happy to not see you for an entire year. I'm surprised she didn't tell you it was going to go a full decade.

your feeble attempt at humor aside.....a panel sits for a year.......about twice a week she had to go to Grand Rapids.....on Monday to be questioned about availability for case, which was generally on Thursday-Friday where they would hear a few hours testimony, usually about drug deals or bank embezellment, or the like.....West Michigan doesn't get many political cases........
I guess he never found it odd that the Grand Jury kept meeting on Friday nights.

I love it when the demmycunts display their ignorance of the grand jury system......did you seriously think the grand juries that considered the Trump charges were sequestered the whole time?.....
The fact is an independent investigator was chosen to see if there was a crime. Biden did not choose him, nor did he direct him. He was not involved at all.
Because Republicans don't want to actually govern.
True, if you're referring to the professionally Republican. (e.g., Paul Ryan, Jeb Bush, Chris Christie, Nikki Haley, etc.) They want money.

All they want to do is play culture wars
That's what "professionally Republican" politicians do.

and to promote white supremacy.
Nope... Not even the "professionally Republican" politicians do this. I think you should be much more concerned about the Democrats promoting black supremacy (and anti-whiteism).
I guess you are completely ignorant of to whom the DOJ reports.

Not Biden. So who ,Trump? There are 152,000 federal employees. You can argue that since they all work under the president, he is responsible for everything they say and do. But he is not in constant or any contact with every one of them.
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Not Biden. So who ,Trump? There are 152,000 federal employees. You can argue that since they all work under the president, he is responsible for everything they say and do. But he is not in constant or any contact with every one of them.

Classified documents were delivered to another person so some of the charges do fall under the espionage act. You really have no idea of the gravity and evidence against trump. Maybe you should try another news source other than FOX?

"If we nominate Trump we're going to lose, He hasn't won anything since 2016. I want to win, and if we nominate Trump we're going to lose," Paul Ryan said, noting that Republicans have been on a losing streak since Trump took office: We lost the House in '18. We lost the presidency in '20. We've lost the Senate. We would have won the Senate this time in '22 had it not been for Trump and his nominees in some of our key primary elections, and my guess is we probably would've picked up 10 to 15 seats in the House if it weren't for his involvement."

Paul Ryan has no problem claiming Trump is a loser, he isn't running for anything. The rest of them, (minus Christie), are counting on the MAGA base and cannot afford to alienate them by telling the truth that Trump is a dead end.

Who did Trump deliver documents to and show proof those documents were classified because Smith will have to show that
Actually I don't think it matters if he is in the primary. if he is forced out of the race his juvenile MAGA base will be so pissed off that they won't vote or will still write his name on their ballot just out of their demented principles and the republican will lose. If he is in the primary and is the nominee he will get no democrats, damn few independents and many republicans have already said they would never vote for him. He will be crushed. By this time next year he will be spending more time in courts than he will be campaigning and that is too much baggage. Not all republicans are as stupid as you.

That is the whole point of Biden doing this to stop Trump in the primary. This is like a dictator in a third world country using the court to stop political opponents
Lets see the evidence? Let's see what a grand jury has to say. No prosecutor in his right mind will indict Biden without a grand jury voting to.

Wec shall see what happens. It will not happen until after the election when Biden is no longer President