Biden Says He Did Not Tell DOJ to Charge Trump

So, question...

Hunter Biden clearly lied on a federal firearms background check form. There is ZERO doubt of that. He was and is a drug user / abuser. He was when he signed the form. There are time dated photographs of him using crack, among other drugs on the laptop the FBI possesses. That is a federal felony and a serious one. Why after over 3 years + hasn't he been indicted and tried for that serious gun crime?

The point I'm making, and at this point it's a pretty damn obvious one, is that the FBI and DOJ have become political tools rather than dispassionate arbiters of justice treating all with equality and fairness.

The question that really needs answering is How can the party in power justify going after their primary political opponent shortly before an election? It looks more like some Third World junta or strongman dictatorship in action than the actions of a just and dispassionate democratic Western nation.

This has nothing to do with Hunter Biden. Quit deflecting. trump committed real crimes. Here is the indictment. trump endangered national security. Read the indictment and quit with the lame whataboutism.

31 counts of willful retention of national defense information.
The list of documents include at least one about US nuclear weapons.

1 count of conspiracy to obstruct justice with co-conspirator -Nauta
1 count of withholding a document or record when Trump and Natua moved records to hide them from Trump's lawyer
1 count of Corruptly concealing a document with Natua
1 count of concealing a document in a federal investigation with Natua
1 count of of scheme to conceal with Natua
1 count of false statements

And then 1 count of false statements by Natua.
But, but, but Hunter :rolleyes::palm:

Exactly and the fact is, Hunter is the target of his own investigation by a trump appointed special prosecutor in Delaware. When and if Hunter committed crimes he will be indicted. TA's just whining.
So you are saying the DOJ which is part of the excutive branch had nothing to do with abd Biden and Garland have not been planning how to get rid of Trump. It is you that does not understand how politics work when one party acts like a Banana republic

Hunter's alleged crimes are being investigated by a trump appointed special prosecutor.
Oh, you think Trump deserves everything he's getting, but Democrats that do criminal shit, and persons who are related to them, deserve nothing for their crimes do you?

If you really think "Democrats have done criminal shit" why have they not been charged? The Republican majority congress can file articles of impeachment anytime. Are you admitting Republicans are lame and stupid? Sounds like it.
If you really think "Democrats have done criminal shit" why have they not been charged? The Republican majority congress can file articles of impeachment anytime. Are you admitting Republicans are lame and stupid? Sounds like it.

Because there's an increasingly obvious double standard going on, like it or not.
Because there's an increasingly obvious double standard going on, like it or not.

Not an answer. If "Democrats have done criminal shit" as you're claiming there is was nothing stopping Bill Barr from putting a special prosecutor on all your enemies and there is nothing now stopping the Republicans in Congress now from filing articles of impeachment. Jack Smith is a patriot, not a liberal hack. trump committed real crimes, he obstructed justice and endangered national security. Had any Democrat have done anything like that, the Republicans would not have hesitated to go after them, unless you think the Republicans are idiots.
Hunter's alleged crimes are being investigated by a trump appointed special prosecutor.

Yeah, but targeting the political opposition with the power of government has seldom been done in America before, if ever.

It's what makes the US a 1st world country and a shining beacon on the hill. That's slipping away real fast right now, along with what freedoms all citizens have left after 40 years of fuckola.
Are you saying Trump had the right to take US military secrets and show it to people?

Were they enemies of the US? Spies?

A former president is most certainly entitled to many mementos from his time in office.

If he shows something to a trusted friend and it goes no further, what's the harm?

Also: Did the FBI bug Mar - A - Lago?
Yeah, but targeting the political opposition with the power of government has seldom been done in America before, if ever.

It's what makes the US a 1st world country and a shining beacon on the hill. That's slipping away real fast right now, along with what freedoms all citizens have left after 40 years of fuckola.

You claim that "targeting the political opposition has never been done before"?

Have you forgotten whitewater/blowjobgate? How about Benghazi? How about the OK city bombing? How about the 1/6 attack on the capitol? How about death threats to lowly poll workers, and other Republican officials who refused to go along with the big lie?

How soon you forget.
You claim that "targeting the political opposition has never been done before"?

Have you forgotten whitewater/blowjobgate? How about Benghazi? How about the OK city bombing? How about the 1/6 attack on the capitol? How about death threats to lowly poll workers, and other Republican officials who refused to go along with the big lie?

How soon you forget.

STFU you fucking retard, you can't even adhere to a subject, fuckin' mental midget.

I am talking about those in power targeting political opponents with the weight of the govenment. That's crap that happens in Cuba, Venezuela, Russia.

Until now NOT the US.
Sorry, too vague and dumb.

Do you think Biden is in control of the US right now? He's not even in control of his bowels, OK?

2 communist/globalist women are running the country right now, and they take orders from someone higher.

This was done with Bush and Reagan, too. That's why Reagan was shot 70 days into his 1st term, so Bush could take control.

He was running things for about 11 years, and he did nothing good. Nothing.
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Trump stole a truckload of classified documents. He was told by NARA and the FBI to return them. He did not. He lied to them and when they came. Then he had the ones he wanted stashed away. He was lying and stealing. Justice was willing to let it all slide if he would just give them back. He refused. They gave Trump a year before they did anything.
Biden had nothing to do with it. It was between Donny and NARA with the FBI doing the go-between work.