Biden Says He Did Not Tell DOJ to Charge Trump

So, you can't answer that simple question? Did you read the indictment, or is that a skill set you don't possess. How in the world do you think anyone will take you seriously when you haven't even read the indictment? Is there any limit to your self degradation?

The indictment is irrelevant to the protections under the law. Trump is innocent until proven guilty. Your hate for Trump does not change that
You just keep believing the Democrats

It is amazing how some on here are so captivated by Trump that they refuse to believe simple facts. Have you not listened to the tape? I guess not, FOX probably hasn't played it and are telling you it doesn't exist.
Comey was a scumbag now he supports Biden. Shows how stupid Comey is

If it were not for Comey, Trump never would have won the election in 2016. And no, Comey is not a Biden supporter and I doubt he has voted for a democrat his entire life.
The indictment is irrelevant to the protections under the law. Trump is innocent until proven guilty. Your hate for Trump does not change that

And when he is proven guilty you will find another excuse. Your love for the treasonous piece of shit knows no bounds.
So, question...

Hunter Biden clearly lied on a federal firearms background check form. There is ZERO doubt of that. He was and is a drug user / abuser. He was when he signed the form. There are time dated photographs of him using crack, among other drugs on the laptop the FBI possesses. That is a federal felony and a serious one. Why after over 3 years + hasn't he been indicted and tried for that serious gun crime?

The point I'm making, and at this point it's a pretty damn obvious one, is that the FBI and DOJ have become political tools rather than dispassionate arbiters of justice treating all with equality and fairness.

The question that really needs answering is How can the party in power justify going after their primary political opponent shortly before an election? It looks more like some Third World junta or strongman dictatorship in action than the actions of a just and dispassionate democratic Western nation.

Agreed. A journalist I like named Patrick Lawrence just wrote an article about the double standards being applied here. Made a thread about it:

Patrick Lawrence: The Rape of Lady Justice |
The indictment is irrelevant to the protections under the law. Trump is innocent until proven guilty. Your hate for Trump does not change that

The indictment is the accusation. What do you believe is not true in that document.
It is amazing how some on here are so captivated by Trump that they refuse to believe simple facts. Have you not listened to the tape? I guess not, FOX probably hasn't played it and are telling you it doesn't exist.

Reading the indictment would involve experiencing cognitive dissonance. Apparently they are terrified of that. If you think the indictment is bogus, then say way specifically. They can't. Especially this clown/troll who can't string two sentences together.
If you think Joe committed a crime, why haven't the maga nazi Republican majority congress filed articles of impeachment? Answer: They got nothing.
ACTUAL answer: Because almost all of them are playing for the same team.

Why do you think the typical "Republican" voter hates his/her own party?
Oh, you think Trump deserves everything he's getting, but Democrats that do criminal shit, and persons who are related to them, deserve nothing for their crimes do you?

What they deserve is a GOP party smart enough to prosecute them but we know we are not going to get that.

How does it feel to be a part of a group who is so painfully stupid that they can observe obvious and clear criminality constantly by Dems and even when they hold all the levers of power they can do nothing about it.

Conversely the same Dems, can prosecute over and over and convict and jail innocent GOpers who only did nothing burgers.

Should you guys not just give up on life being so badly checkmated?
Top secret documents he stole.

Like the ones found scattered all over the Biden house? You know the ones that, after he held them for decades, he suddenly got all cooperative over? The ones that spent more time in Chinatown than some Chinese restaurant cooks?

Don't pretend that Brandon has any chance at the moral high ground on this subject.