Biden Signs Executive Order to Ramp Up Gun Control


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Biden wants to destroy the second amendment. Biden and democrats hate the constitution and how it limits government

President Joe Biden signed an executive order on March 14 to advance gun-control measures, including a step toward universal background checks, as much as current law will allow without requiring new legislation.

Biden announced the order in a speech at the site of a Jan. 21, 2023 mass shooting that killed 11 and wounded nine.

The order increases the number of background checks before firearm sales to get as close to universal background checks as possible without additional legislation.

The executive order promotes the expanded use of “red flag” laws, scrutiny of the gun industry, and the ability to identify and apprehend shooters. Biden will also ask the Federal Trade Commission to issue a report on the marketing of firearms to children.

According to Biden, this would be accomplished by increased enforcement of the Bipartisan Safer Communities Act (Act). The Act will be especially instrumental in implementing at least two of Biden’s most controversial plans.The Act would increase the number of required background checks by redefining the term “who is engaged in the business of dealing firearms.” Currently, the law considers someone engaged in the business of dealing firearms if it is their “principal objective of livelihood and profit.” The Act would change that to “predominately earn a profit.”

Critics of the change say this would encompass most private sales between individuals, which currently do not require a background check.
Good. The mass shootings have to stop.

Show how that will stop the mass shootings. It will do nothing other than make it harder for legal citizens to get legal guns. All biden cares about is getting rid of constitutional rights. Democrats do not like how the constitution limits government
Show how that will stop the mass shootings. It will do nothing other than make it harder for legal citizens to get legal guns. All biden cares about is getting rid of constitutional rights. Democrats do not like how the constitution limits government

One way to stop the mass shootings is to shoot back. Nordberg is actually justifying why the 2nd amendment and the right of self defense exists, even though he thinks banning guns and gun free zones (where the mass shootings take place) actually works.
One way to stop the mass shootings is to shoot back. Nordberg is actually justifying why the 2nd amendment and the right of self defense exists, even though he thinks banning guns and gun free zones (where the mass shootings take place) actually works.

The mass shootings are done by mentally ill that belong in an institution
Show how that will stop the mass shootings. It will do nothing other than make it harder for legal citizens to get legal guns. All biden cares about is getting rid of constitutional rights. Democrats do not like how the constitution limits government

Criminals can buy guns as you do at gun stores and gun shows.
You are a strange person who has no idea at all what the left thinks. You read that poisonous right-wing crap and believe it all.
All Biden cares about is getting rid of constitutional rights. That makes sense to you? I feel sorry that you are so warped.
Default Biden Signs Executive Order to Ramp Up Gun Control
I have a problem with the premise of this thread. The President doesn't rule by fiat. There is no "Executive Order" that he can sign to affect gun control except among Federal employees in the course of their duties.

Until I get some more information, this thread seems to be a no-go.
Criminals can buy guns as you do at gun stores and gun shows.
You are a strange person who has no idea at all what the left thinks.
I know exactly what you think. You've certainly made it plain enough. You:
* discard and deny the Constitution of the United States and all State constitutions.
* desire to implement tyranny using various religious excuses, such as the Church of the Ozone Hole, the Church of Green, the Church of Global Warming, the Church of Covid, the Church of No Gender, and the Church of Hoblophobia.
* support socialism, including slavery, fascism, and communism.
* support sexual perversions of all different kinds.
* support the murder of your own offspring for the sake of convenience.
* spend most of your time throwing insults, arguing semantics, blaming others for YOUR problems, and denying science, denying mathematics, denying logic, denying philosophy, and denying history; all in favor of your religions.

You read that poisonous right-wing crap and believe it all.
Left wing crap. Inversion fallacy. You cannot blame others for YOUR problem.
All Biden cares about is getting rid of constitutional rights.
Biden does not recognize the Constitution of the United States nor any State constitution. Rights do not come from a constitution or any other piece of paper. The right of self defense is inherent.
That makes sense to you? I feel sorry that you are so warped.
False patronizing. Assumption of victory fallacy. Attempted proof by inversion.
Where does the 2nd Amendment say anyone can buy as many guns as they want?

2nd Amendment of the Constitution of the United States said:
A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.
That means the government may pass no law that infringes on the right of the people to keep and bear Arms (weapons). They can obtain ANY WEAPONS and ANY NUMBER OF WEAPONS.
It also means the federal government may pass no law that infringes on the right of a State of the Union (a free State) the right to raise, train, and arm a militia for the purposes of self defense.

The right of self defense is inherent. The government has NO authority to infringe upon it.
look at all the lefties demanding more consolidated power in the hands of a single individual...................don't be shocked when your political enemy takes that same power and turns it against you.