No, It went down and slowly came back up to a decent price.
Keep telling yourself that in the near future when there's lines around the block to buy gas, fucktard.
Up over $1/gal in 3 mos is cause for concern.
Everything is going going up (except people's incomes) and not coming down due to Biden policies.
Is this you?
I can take the hit and make it through to the other side, but a lot of people are going to have a hard time, and all of it is totally unnecessary.
PS: When exactly was "a month or so when NO ONE WAS FUCKING DRIVING."? What month was that, hmm?
When was nobody driving in America last year? It was half-past never, motherfucker.
Now I do remember when people weren't driving. It's when Bush jacked the gas prices on his outro just before Obama.
Gas got up to the highest I've ever seen and there was nobody on the road.
Ol' Biden has done what Bush did on his outro on Biden's intro! People are going to be mad, very mad.
There'll be gas scalping and lines around the block and all kinds of unnecessary suffering.
I should buy a 1000 gal tank right now.
I bought a bunch of gas when I saw this coming, boy. Everything is topped off.
There's going to be major shortages.