Biden Stole The Election With Bibbles


Verified User
Bibbles are illegal bubbles:


There Were Large Pieces Torn Off – Bubbles Being Filled Absolutely Perfect – 60,000 Illegal Ballots” – AZ Audit Volunteers Speak Out on Disturbing Findings — MUST SEE VIDEO
By Jordan Conradson
Published September 30, 2021 at 8:15am
Where's the pictures? And do you really think just three people would notice the perfectly filled bubbles? :rofl2:

You guys are a riot.
12 F Passed at the age of 98 and also the doc. from 14 H

Like a fish gets caught on a hook, you'll go for a line, get hit with the book,
Like cop puts cuff on a crook, baby, you'll get yours.
Like a clown falls down from a slap, you'll fall for sweet talk and know you're a sap
Like a bear walks right in a trap, baby, you'll get yours.

Doc quick come. Someone passed out at the party.
The doc examines him. He’s drunk! :):laugh:

The envelopes will be coming down soon. Yup Uhum.


Can I paint your suite? I’m being held hostage by a idiot. Where’s the slop sink?