Biden to Restore Iran Deal

what's the deal? no more enrichment -does Iran even need more?

It's basically dropping sanctions and hoping for the best
Trump totally fucked the deal up because it was done in Obama's term. Trump is such a petty, spiteful man. Iran was not enriching uranium near what is needed for a bomb. They were inspected thoroughly.
It was a 6 nation deal that kept Iran from making a nuke. You would think even Trump could figure out that is a good thing. This was a shameful, time for America. Iran kept honoring the deal for over a year, hoping Trump would come to his senses.
It is bigger than just a deal. It shows America will not honor an international deal if a petty small man gets in office. It essentially destroys the concept of deals and pacts. They are not binding if an immature, egomaniac gets in office.
On the other hand, it allows other nations to do the same thing. Make any deal you want and ignore it. Trump set a dangerous precedent that has huge international implications.
Trump will poison the future.
Trump totally fucked the deal up because it was done in Obama's term. Trump is such a petty, spiteful man. Iran was not enriching uranium near what is needed for a bomb. They were inspected thoroughly.
It was a 6 nation deal that kept Iran from making a nuke. You would think even Trump could figure out that is a good thing. This was a shameful, time for America. Iran kept honoring the deal for over a year, hoping Trump would come to his senses.
It is bigger than just a deal. It shows America will not honor an international deal if a petty small man gets in office. It essentially destroys the concept of deals and pacts. They are not binding if an immature, egomaniac gets in office.
On the other hand, it allows other nations to do the same thing. Make any deal you want and ignore it. Trump set a dangerous precedent that has huge international implications.
Trump will poison the future.

Trump showed the world America's word cannot be trusted and squandered our reputation. That is why NK was never going to denuclearize, despite Trump's empty boasts, and why no future president is likely to reach such an accord with NK.
You mean the wall that the Biden adm is now saying they need to "fill in the gaps?"

Biden is not crowing (aka, lying) that Mexico is paying to build it.

More importantly, I have always said that physical barriers at certain strategic locations along the border makes sense - and I have the posts to prove it.

What does not make sense is a two thousand mile long, sea-to-sea 30 foot high Berlin Wall paid for by Mexico.
Biden is not crowing (aka, lying) that Mexico is paying to build it.
extremely minor point considering the damage done by Biden's policies and not finishing the wall

More importantly, I have always said that physical barriers at certain strategic locations along the border makes sense - and I have the posts to prove it.
good for you, but it's more then just "strategic location.
have you seen where the migrants are crossing -TX and AZ. not CA (much) because of the barrier

What does not make sense is a two thousand mile long, sea-to-sea 30 foot high Berlin Wall paid for by Mexico.
Berlin wall was to enslave people in, not ensure border security
He could send them a plane load of cash (it's not like that hasn't happened before...).

You know better. it has been posted many times. Obama sent Iran their own money that we confiscated. They were going to buy armaments from us, then the revolution happened. We kept the money.
what's the deal? no more enrichment -does Iran even need more?

It's basically dropping sanctions and hoping for the best

For the sake of ' Izrael's security ' El Trumpo made a fool of himself over a nuclear program that Iran neither has nor wants.
You know better. it has been posted many times. Obama sent Iran their own money that we confiscated. They were going to buy armaments from us, then the revolution happened. We kept the money.

Same with the Brits- although they refuse to pay it back, despite their court rulings to the contrary. Iran will continue to be a thorn in their side until they do.
Trump totally fucked the deal up because it was done in Obama's term. Trump is such a petty, spiteful man. Iran was not enriching uranium near what is needed for a bomb. They were inspected thoroughly.
It was a 6 nation deal that kept Iran from making a nuke. You would think even Trump could figure out that is a good thing. This was a shameful, time for America. Iran kept honoring the deal for over a year, hoping Trump would come to his senses.
It is bigger than just a deal. It shows America will not honor an international deal if a petty small man gets in office. It essentially destroys the concept of deals and pacts. They are not binding if an immature, egomaniac gets in office.
On the other hand, it allows other nations to do the same thing. Make any deal you want and ignore it. Trump set a dangerous precedent that has huge international implications.
Trump will poison the future.

the Iran deal didn't require them to slow down production and they never did......Obama gave them pallet loads of unmarked $100 bills in the middle of the night.....
the Iran deal didn't require them to slow down production and they never did......Obama gave them pallet loads of unmarked $100 bills in the middle of the night.....

You do stay stupid and wrong. Iran was not spinning near nuke levels. Theyt were well inspected. Iran was honoring the deal.
Again you dumb shit. That was their money that we seized. Can you understand that? It is so damn simple, but apparently above your level.
