Biden virus death counter

I didn't say it's all Trumps fault.

But, almost all Republicans denied Trumps Covid deaths
Now care about Biden's Covid deaths!!?


you didn't say it was all trumps fault, then you proceeded to call them trumps covid deaths.

I am not a republican, I am simply pointing out your duplicity.

personally, it's not either presidents fault so many are dying. its mostly state governors feckless and schizo reaction to the pandemic that is the reason.

look at CA opening up with what a 13% infection rate? is that bidens fault? here we are at the most deadly point in the pandemic, and suddenly california is opening up? if trump was still prez would it be his fault?

we need to look at the states for blame.
Yep, COVID is deadly serious, which you are now very belatedly recognizing.

So then why did you and Trumpf spend most of the last 12 months downplaying and denying the risk posed by COVID? Why did you and Trumpf imply it was no worse than the seasonal cold?

The OP has nothing to do with past presidents and everything to do with the man who has killed nearly 20,000 Americans. Everything after Jan 21st. belongs to Crazy uncle Joe but you already know that don't you?
After he lied to the American people and said "it's like the flu" weeks after he told a reporter "it's worse than even the worst flus. It's a killer", we can all reasonably say that he willfully led Americans over the cliff for mass death, all in the name of saving political face.

how about cuomo?

he put nursing homes in jeaopardy by sending covid patients.

how about newsom? his state is opening up with a 13% infection rate?

do you blame them at all?

you people tend to run away from this question
Prepared a vaccination delivery plan; proposed more covid relief so companies can survive while closed; appointed actual doctors and scientists to take charge of the virus fight; proposed a mask challenge for 100 days; is modeling responsible personal behavior, using the defense production act to create masks, other PPE, etc.[/URL]


You do know that a vaccine delivery plan was already in place, right?

You do know that Fauci is still in charge of "the virus fight", right?

You do know that the Defense Production Act was invoked by the POTUS last March, right?

So nothing much has changed at all, except the party affiliation of the inhabitant of the Oval Office.

Here we see the usurper's spokes-model weaseling about "modeling responsible personal behavior":

how about newsom? his state is opening up with a 13% infection rate?

Don't worry, now that the WHO conveniently updated their COVID testing guidelines (after sitting on the science for a year) those "case counts" are going to go down faster than Monica Lewinsky.

Then the DEMOCRATS will claim they they "beat COVID" and "saved the economy", all by fudging the numbers.

That's how politicians claim they're "beating crime", too - they just stop counting some crimes.
how about cuomo?

he put nursing homes in jeaopardy by sending covid patients.

how about newsom? his state is opening up with a 13% infection rate?

do you blame them at all?

you people tend to run away from this question
And you use "whataboutism" fallacies as your main source of rhetorical argument.

You're REALLY dumb.
The OP has nothing to do with past presidents and everything to do with the man who has killed nearly 20,000 Americans. Everything after Jan 21st. belongs to Crazy uncle Joe but you already know that don't you?

Fun fact: Clueless has his name on several active protective orders filed by women he's victimized. He stalks them when they reject his crude advances and they have to turn to the courts and law enforcement to make him stop.
And yeah, Trump did use the DPA....for PORK.;...

Except that's not what the article you cited says, is it?

Nor was it the only thing the DPA was used for last year, was it?

I suspect that you were ignorant of the fact that the DPA was already in effect until I rubbed your nose in the truth.
Don't worry, now that the WHO conveniently updated their COVID testing guidelines (after sitting on the science for a year) those "case counts" are going to go down faster than Monica Lewinsky.

Then the DEMOCRATS will claim they they "beat COVID" and "saved the economy", all by fudging the numbers.

That's how politicians claim they're "beating crime", too - they just stop counting some crimes.

oh I saw something like that, we are going to stop counting all the "probable cases" or some such?
And you use "whataboutism" fallacies as your main source of rhetorical argument.

You're REALLY dumb.

the charge "whataboutism" is simply your and others way of not having to come to terms with your cognitive dissonance.

do you know what cognitive dissonance is? you should look it up.
oh I saw something like that, we are going to stop counting all the "probable cases" or some such?

Here's how they're going to (belatedly) save the usurper's bacon by revising the flawed testing guidelines that scientists and doctors KNEW were inflating the numbers:

Even the failing New York Times called bullshit on the way the tests were being misused to pump up the numbers:

The NY Times estimates that up to 90 percent of the people who receive a positive test are carrying so little virus that they probably aren’t contagious.

Now that a DEMOCRAT is infesting the Oval Office, they can stop pretending that the Chinese disease is scarier than it really is.

They're already setting up their "economic comeback miracle".

We simply cannot stay closed until the vaccine hits critical mass. The cost is too high. We will have nothing left to open. We must reopen the economy.
— Andrew Cuomo (@NYGovCuomo)

Mayor Lori Lightfoot says Chicago restaurants and bars need to be allowed to reopen "as quickly as possible".
— CBS Chicago (@cbschicago)

Indoor dining at restaurants in Michigan will resume on Feb. 1, Gov. Gretchen Whitmer announced this morning.
— The Detroit News (@detroitnews)

JUST IN: D.C. ends its ban on indoor dining.

No, it emphatically was not.

Is that so?

Did CNN tell you that?


Relying on the practice of anonymous sources, CNN wastes no time in crafting their lies.

The wild misinformation begins in the headline, where it states, “The usurper is Inheriting a Non-Existent Coronavirus Vaccine Distribution Plan.”

Imagine the surprise of the nearly 900,000 people who have already been vaccinated.

CNN is laying the groundwork for a couple of eventualities here.

This is bullshit concocted in make it look like the usurper is having to work heroically, and it will give him an excuse if things go sideways on his watch.

There are two realities that CNN is avoiding here in order to smear Trump and coddle the usurper.

The entire narrative prior to his coronation was that the usurper is going to fix the problems and heroically deliver results.

How can they claim no plan existed when they said it was no good just a week ago?

They can't have it both ways.

Nobody ever handed out vaccines from the Oval Office. Trump didn't, and neither will the usurper.

The vaccine is being sent to states, governors are rationing them, and local authorities are handling the vaccinations.

Note, for contrast, the lack of leftist poutrage when Andrew Cuomo’s monomaniacal mandate led to hospitals throwing out batches of the vaccine, because otherwise he threatened to punish anyone who didn't follow HIS schedule.

The federal vaccine distribution plan was already in place, and it was available online at the Department of Health and Human Services site when the usurper took over.

If the usurper needs help finding it, he can have an comely young intern pull up the web page for him, unless his minions deleted it, like they did the 1776 Project report.

I just checked, and it's still there:
Here we see the usurper whining about the vaccine distribution plan that ☭NN (and Genome) now say never existed:

“The Trump administration’s plan to distribute vaccines is falling behind, far behind,” he said at a news briefing."
the charge "whataboutism" is simply your and others way of not having to come to terms with your cognitive dissonance.

do you know what cognitive dissonance is? you should look it up.

You talking about cognitive dissonance is the epitome of irony (which you SHOULD look up).

This thread is about Biden's plan for battling COVID. Throwing shade at Cuomo or Newsom is for another thread, and has nothing to do with the federal response. At least Newsom and Cuomo bothered to hold press conferences with real information, and emphasize mask use, something Trump mocked.

I honestly wonder what you get out of posting here. You use multiple sockpuppets because you're too stupid and your reputation is too pathetic for you to feel comfortable relying on one account. You're pathetic.