Biden wants your guns

No guns don't give us freedom but the people who pick them up and fight do , also they provide the ability to protect our self a sport the ability to hunt. Our freedom from the british probally would have never occurred with out the gun


And yet you neo-fascists with guns are the greatest threat to our nation.
Nice bait. 6/10.


This again? Is there someone among you who have had your guns taken away? Your constant crying about gun confiscation is getting boring as hell. We have heard it for decades. Give it a rest.
You left out "troll".

Aww yes another democrat whos little chicken heart swells up like his penis when looking at a picture of Joe Biden with a child in his hand kissing then or smelling their hair, it makes you fell like a real man hey taco boy .
You have nothing to add to the subject at hand do you ? its beyond you I suppose , which is no surprise .