Biden: ‘We Have to Go Spend Money to Keep From Going Bankrupt’

Based on you manner of figuring we already had over 12 trillion in debt before Obama took office. If you take the Bush stuff and carry the costs forward. How much will the pill bill cost, etc....

You cannot figure Obamas spending in this manner and not do the same for Bush's spending.
Since Obama took office he has spent MORE then Bush did in Iraq,, Afghanistan. and Katrinia COMBINED

But hey you Obamabots, keep walking down the Yellow Brick Road with your messiah - with your fingers in your ears singing 'la la la la la la" and ignore reality

That is what libs do best anyway when they can't deal with the real world
You cannot figure Obamas spending in this manner and not do the same for Bush's spending.

I am at a loss to understand this "you can't be pissed that Obama is spending money because Bush spent money too" approach......has this been used before in history?....."you can't be pissed because they are killing Jews because Hitler killed Jews too"......."you can't be pissed because they are selling the blacks in Harlem as slaves because people in Alabama used to own slaves too".....

where does this defense come from?.......
I am at a loss to understand this "you can't be pissed that Obama is spending money because Bush spent money too" approach......has this been used before in history?....."you can't be pissed because they are killing Jews because Hitler killed Jews too"......."you can't be pissed because they are selling the blacks in Harlem as slaves because people in Alabama used to own slaves too".....

where does this defense come from?.......

You are defending Bush's druken sailor spending, I am not defending Obama's. Except for the aspect of public help is needed now because of the piss poor economy. On the other hand the economy was great during the Bush years...

in short I will defend most of the stimulus spending, I will never defend the TARP spending.
Yes, keep going back to Bush when this administrations steps init. Lord knows their supporters can't talk about all that hope and change they promsied us

Can there be any doubt that if Biden were a Republican he'd long since have been made a national laughingstock by our "unbiased" Media ?
Can there be any doubt that if Biden were a Republican he'd long since have been made a national laughingstock by our "unbiased" Media ?
Dan Quayle wasn't half as gafftastic as Biden is, and he was famed for it by this time...
Well, you betcha, he was not so mavericky.

Biden is the gift that keeps on giving :)

-- On March 13, 2009, Biden addressed a former Senate colleague by saying, "An hour late, oh give me a f**king break," after he arrived on Amtrak at Union Station in Washington, D.C. The vice president's expletive was caught on a live microphone.

-- During a Feb. 25, 2009, interview on CBS' "Early Show," Biden encouraged viewers to visit a government-run Web site that tracks stimulus spending. When asked for the site's web address, Biden could not remember the site's "number."

"You know, I'm embarrassed. Do you know the Web site number?" he asked an aide standing out of view. "I should have it in front of me and I don't. I'm actually embarrassed."

-- At a Jan. 30, 2009, swearing-in ceremony of senior White House staff, Biden mocked Chief Justice John Roberts for his presidential oath blunder on Inauguration Day.

"Am I doing this again?" Biden said, after Obama asked him to administer the oath. When Biden was told the swearing-in was for senior staff -- and not cabinet members -- the vice president quipped, "My memory is not as good as Justice Roberts," prompting a stern nudge from Obama.

-- On Inauguration Day, Jan. 20 2009, Biden misspoke when he told a cheering crowd of supporters, "Jill and I had the great honor of standing on that stage, looking across at one of the great justices, Justice Stewart." Justice John Paul Stevens -- not Stewart -- swore Biden in as vice president.

-- When criticizing former GOP nominee John McCain in Athens, Ohio, on Oct. 15, 2008, Biden said, "Look, John's last-minute economic plan does nothing to tackle the number-one job facing the middle class, and it happens to be, as Barack says, a three-letter word: jobs. J-O-B-S, jobs."

-- In a Sept. 22, 2008, CBS interview, Biden misspoke when he said Franklin D. Roosevelt was president when the stock market crashed in 1929.

"When the stock market crashed, Franklin D. Roosevelt got on the television and didn't just talk about the, you know, the princes of greed. He said, 'Look, here's what happened," he said. Herbert Hoover -- not Roosevelt -- was president in 1929, and television had not yet been invented in 1929.

-- During a Sept. 12, 2008, speech in Columbia, Mo., Biden called for Missouri State Sen. Chuck Graham, who is wheelchair-bound, to "stand up."

"Oh, God love ya," Biden said, after realizing his mistake. "What am I talking about?"

-- At a Sept. 10, 2008, town hall meeting in Nashua, N.H., Biden said, "Hillary Clinton is as qualified or more qualified than I am to be vice president of the United States of America. Quite frankly, it might have been a better pick than me."

-- Biden mistakenly referred to Alaska governor Sarah Palin as the "lieutenant governor" of her state during a town hall meeting on Sept. 4, 2008 at George Mason University in Manassas, Va.

"I heard a very, by the way I mean this sincerely, a very strong and a very good political speech from a lieutenant governor of Alaska who I think is going to be very formidable, very formidable not only in the campaign but in the debate," Biden said.

-- Biden said he was running for president -- not vice president -- during a Sept. 1, 2008, roundtable discussion in Scranton, Pa.

"Today is the moment for me as a United States senator running for president to put aside the national politics and focus on what's happening down there," Biden said.

-- Biden referred to John McCain as "George" during his vice presidential acceptance speech on Aug. 27, 2008, at the Democratic National Convention in Denver, Co. "Freudian slip, folks, Freudian slip," he explained.

-- Biden confused army brigades with battalions when speaking about Obama's plan for sending troops to Afghanistan.

"Or should we trust Barack Obama, who more than a year ago called for sending two additional combat brigades to Afghanistan?"

-- During his first campaign rally with Obama as his vice presidential running mate on Aug. 23, 2008, Biden introduced Obama by saying, "A man I'm proud to call my friend. A man who will be the next President of the United States -- Barack America!"

-- On Jan. 31, 2007 -- the day Biden announced his presidential bid -- the Delaware Senator was roundly criticized for calling Obama "the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy. I mean, that's a storybook, man."
Yep many of us have commented on here in the past about Bidens foot in mouth problem.

You righties are beating a dead horse on this one.