Biden WH Threatens Reporters With Expulsion If They Continue to Interrupt Press Brief

What would the press have done if that coke was found in the WH when Trump was president?
We'd still be hearing about it, especially if nothing was done about it like in Biden's WH.

When a "reporter" is using the presser for a show, they should not be allowed to control the time. If they cannot act like a real reporter for a few minutes. they should not be allowed to ask questions.
We should all applaud Joe's White House following the Trump template, no?

(TRUMPS) White House revokes press passes for dozens of journalists

In what appears to be an unprecedented move, the White House revoked the press passes of a significant chunk of the Washington press corps because they didn’t meet a new standard, according to Washington Post columnist Dana Milbank. Under the new rules, rolled out earlier this year, in order to qualify for the highest level of access—known as a “hard pass”—journalists had to be present in the White House for at least 90 days out of a 180-day period. According to Milbank, virtually the entire press corps failed to meet this new test, including all six of the Post’s White House correspondents. Media outlets then had to apply for exceptions to cover their senior journalists, or settle for six-month passes, which don’t allow as much access...

... Milbank noted that, since dozens of senior correspondents didn’t meet the new standards either, “they all serve at the pleasure of Press Secretary Sarah Sanders” and
“therefore, in theory, can have their credentials revoked any time they annoy Trump or his aides.”...

And now for words from the Derp choir!
Biden wants to control the media the way communist do. Biden hates this country and our freedoms. The government today under democrats is what the founding Fathers warned against

Remember when Obama banned Fox news from the White House?

This is what democrats do, they want a tyranny where they control the media.

Biden doesn't want to face questions about his bribery fiasco is what this is about.

If you even question him about it you will be removed.

And they say Trump is bad.


It is like a communist party governemnt like China control;lling the press and the news

Well, there is this:

War on the media? Over 440 reporters lose WH press credentials following requirement change

I am interested.....when I have watched these press conferences there have only been 30-40 people in the room.......400+ were on the list?.....and only now is there a requirement that they have to be employed by someone to cover WH activities? WAS the prior requirement?.....

Yes. During trump's tenure, briefings and press events were much more orderly

We should all applaud Joe's White House following the Trump template, no?

And now for words from the Derp choir!

"whaddabout yer muddafuckers!!!".....

and yet, your side still sucks most.....cope.....

now anwser my question, fuckwit?......what did the Biden consider qualified a person to get a WH press pass if they weren't even expected to be working for a media outlet?........
"whaddabout yer muddafuckers!!!".....

and yet, your side still sucks most.....cope.....

now anwser my question, fuckwit?......what did the Biden consider qualified a person to get a WH press pass if they weren't even expected to be working for a media outlet?........


So you guys are so riddled with TDS that you think mentioning Biden and Obama's White House restrictions are wrong and worthy of bitching about while you ignore Trump's.

i enjoy so much seeing you prove how impacted by TDS you are all are.

So you guys are so riddled with TDS that you think mentioning Biden and Obama's White House restrictions are wrong and worthy of bitching about while you ignore Trump's.

i enjoy so much seeing you prove how impacted by TDS you are all are.

silly child responds to criticism about his whataboutism by giving us more whataboutism......I'm sure he realizes no one believes that anyone besides demmycrats suffer from Trump Derangement Syndrome......but he likes to babble......
silly child responds to criticism about his whataboutism by giving us more whataboutism......I'm sure he realizes no one believes that anyone besides demmycrats suffer from Trump Derangement Syndrome......but he likes to babble......

Poor PmP,... so laughably riddled with TDS that if Trump is not excluded from every topic, he cries and and cries and cries.

Hey lets create a list of ex POTUS. But don't mention Trump or PmP will cry.

Oh wait, Trump is just to be left out when he does something bad. Cry about what Obama and Biden did and just skip over Trump also doing it is the only thing that is fair.

Yes but he also covers press briefings.

My bad though, I spelt his name wrong, it's Doocy, it's not the other guy on the morning show.
As long as he's full time, he won't be banished from the pool.

Unfortunately. He's an idiot
Poor PmP,... so laughably riddled with TDS that if Trump is not excluded from every topic, he cries and and cries and cries.

Hey lets create a list of ex POTUS. But don't mention Trump or PmP will cry.

Oh wait, Trump is just to be left out when he does something bad. Cry about what Obama and Biden did and just skip over Trump also doing it is the only thing that is fair.

you stupid cunts are tiresome.....why the fuck don't we have any intelligent liberals any more.....all we have are you worthless shits....