Biden will be replaced

I have been saying that for at least a year, I thought it would be Newsom but now I think that the Regime will install Harris/Pelosi.
If no one tells him he will still think he is running come November.
The Regime is pushing for WW3....they have no choice but to fill the position with someone with a working brain. Ya Harris does not really qualify but Harris/Pelosi as a team does.
Biden only has to hang on for 5 more months.

We'll see what happens after the first debate. That should decide the issue, definitively.
I have been saying that for at least a year, I thought it would be Newsom but now I think that the Regime will install Harris/Pelosi.
We have been hearing that for 4 years. It certainly will not be Pelosi. The "regime" cannot replace anybody--the majority of delegates at the convention will make the decision but many states bind the delegates to vote for the candidate to whom they are pledged for one or two ballots.
Crackie the Bagman die get convicted of a felony. So ...

maybe that is a sign that Brandon is losing support from his bureaucracy. And will be "asked" to step aside.
I have been saying that for at least a year, I thought it would be Newsom but now I think that the Regime will install Harris/Pelosi.
Damn that is stupid. Pelosi is almost out, retirement time. Harris has no traction after 4years. She has not expanded her base.
The real regime in America is pro Trump.
We have been hearing that for 4 years. It certainly will not be Pelosi. The "regime" cannot replace anybody--the majority of delegates at the convention will make the decision but many states bind the delegates to vote for the candidate to whom they are pledged for one or two ballots.
Pelosi is a very good soldier for the Revolution, if it is decided that she is needed, and I think it likely has been, she will serve.