Biden will be replaced

He couldn't properly answer the questions at the G7 press conference today.... and He had The
is he going to go 90 minutes in a debate?
With a large amount of speed, 2 weeks in a basement changing his sleep schedule so that his most lucid hours (just after waking up) are when it takes place, the list of questions already sent to him, and 2 weeks of practice.

He won't be able to put down his arms, like at the SOTU speech...

He may actually use smart contact lenses as a prompter for responses...
With a large amount of speed, 2 weeks in a basement changing his sleep schedule so that his most lucid hours (just after waking up) are when it takes place, the list of questions already sent to him, and 2 weeks of practice.

He won't be able to put down his arms, like at the SOTU speech...

He may actually use smart contact lenses as a prompter for responses...
All that and Joe with googly eyes... That's going to be something to see..;) I hope they program those contacts so they don't interfere with the earpiece...
I just read an interesting editorial on Western Journal written by a guy who correctly predicted the winner in 9/10 of the last presidential elections.......he said it is too late to replace Biden......if Demmycrats do they will affirm in voter's minds that the Republicans were right all along and the Demmycrats will lose......
(incidentally he also said it is too early to predict the 2024 election results).....
I just read an interesting editorial on Western Journal written by a guy who correctly predicted the winner in 9/10 of the last presidential elections.......he said it is too late to replace Biden......if Demmycrats do they will affirm in voter's minds that the Republicans were right all along and the Demmycrats will lose......
(incidentally he also said it is too early to predict the 2024 election results).....
Of course it is too late. All the delegates have already been chosen and most are bound to support their pledged candidat for the first/second ballot.
Of course it is too late. All the delegates have already been chosen and most are bound to support their pledged candidat for the first/second ballot.
The Regime changes the rules as required.....Rules and fair play mean nothing to the Revolution.
The Regime is pushing for WW3....they have no choice but to fill the position with someone with a working brain. Ya Harris does not really qualify but Harris/Pelosi as a team does.

Zero chance they would pick Pelosi. Unlikely they would have Kamaltoe head the ticket.
Everybody with any common sense knows that would be a stupid move and serve no purpose. How many supporters would Harris and Pelosi attract?

You will vote who the party tells you to vote for.

There are about 50 million mindless minions like you. Anyone who would vote for Bought and Paid for Joe would vote for Harris/Pelosi.

The problem is no one else would. Kamaltoe polls LOWER than even Quid Pro.

IF the Communists pull Biden out, they will clear the ticket. I still see Michelle Obama as a possibility. Maybe Kim Jong Newsom. If Biden is out though, Kamaltoe is out too.
You will vote who the party tells you to vote for.

There are about 50 million mindless minions like you. Anyone who would vote for Bought and Paid for Joe would vote for Harris/Pelosi.

The problem is no one else would. Kamaltoe polls LOWER than even Quid Pro.

IF the Communists pull Biden out, they will clear the ticket. I still see Michelle Obama as a possibility. Maybe Kim Jong Newsom. If Biden is out though, Kamaltoe is out too.
The Regime could run Harris/Pelosi on the D ticket and Haley/someone else on the R ticket and not care who removes the need to rig the election at the counting of the so-called votes.

We are well past the point where leadership lack of popularity with the people is a problem in the dying West....almost all the Western leaders are unpopular with the people.....your head is stuck in Old America,.....the one which was murdered.
You will vote who the party tells you to vote for.

There are about 50 million mindless minions like you. Anyone who would vote for Bought and Paid for Joe would vote for Harris/Pelosi.

The problem is no one else would. Kamaltoe polls LOWER than even Quid Pro.

IF the Communists pull Biden out, they will clear the ticket. I still see Michelle Obama as a possibility. Maybe Kim Jong Newsom. If Biden is out though, Kamaltoe is out too.
Your conclusions are based on false assumptions. I don't support Biden (or Trump). The issue isn't who the public would vote for but who the delegates nominating the candididate will vote. They are bound to support the candidate they are pledged to.

Will you vote for who the party tells you to vote for?

All your predictions are BS.
sorry I don't pay attention to your denials after reading your posts for the last three years.......I seem to have missed your criticisms of Biden.......
Most of the posts I replied to had nothing to do with Biden but with Republican lies about voter fraud, January 6 insurrection........... Because I was most concerned with Trump's attempt to block the constitutional transfer of power does not mean I support Biden. That is a major problem with many posters--if a poster does not support everything they say that must mean they support the other party. Simplistic assumptions.
Most of the posts I replied to had nothing to do with Biden but with Republican lies about voter fraud, January 6 insurrection........... Because I was most concerned with Trump's attempt to block the constitutional transfer of power does not mean I support Biden. That is a major problem with many posters--if a poster does not support everything they say that must mean they support the other party. Simplistic assumptions.
I repeat.....I pay no attention to your denials......if in three years you've found nothing to criticize Biden for, then you're clearly a water carrier......