Biden will be replaced

Harris is dumb as a bag of fishheads and Pelosi has started down the path of dementia and/or she's an alcoholic.
But what both of them have in common is that they will be controllable. Harris because she's a stupid lazy ho and Pelosi because she's compromised. Her and her husband Paul are champion inside traders.
That's funny. Harris who is an attorney who was previously the Attorney General for California and a US Senator and currently is the highest-ranking female official in U.S. history and you think she is "dumb as a bag of rocks".
He continues to dominate...let's see the polls after Joe's scary Weekend at the G Cut short....

That only convinces fucking idiots like you who will vote for Trump regardless of what anyone says.

Right-wing media outlets use deceptively cropped video to misleadingly claim Biden wandered off at G7 summit​

Right-wing media outlets used a deceptively cropped video to misleadingly claim President Joe Biden wandered off during an event with other world leaders at the G7 summit in Italy on Thursday.

In the full, unedited video, Biden – who was standing with the group of leaders as a parachutist carrying a G7 banner landed in front of them – briefly turned away to give a thumbs-up to several parachutists who had landed behind the group, along with a parachute rigger who was kneeling on the ground to pack up one of the skydiver’s chutes and the French flag.
Other leaders, including Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and French President Emmanuel Macron, also did the same thing.

The rightwing video cropped out the kneeling parachute rigger, omitting the context of why Biden walked away from the group and did not include the other world leaders who did the same thing. Only the Trump Nazi is going to believe their bullshit and they were never going to vote for Biden anyway.:seenoevil:
That only convinces fucking idiots like you who will vote for Trump regardless of what anyone says.

The rightwing video cropped out the kneeling parachute rigger, omitting the context of why Biden walked away from the group and did not include the other world leaders who did the same thing. Only the Trump Nazi is going to believe their bullshit and they were never going to vote for Biden anyway.:seenoevil:
The Italian prime minister had to bring him back to the group...he wandered off... nothing got cropped out...
At least he didn't salute her as she led him back...
Your conclusions are based on false assumptions. I don't support Biden (or Trump). The issue isn't who the public would vote for but who the delegates nominating the candididate will vote. They are bound to support the candidate they are pledged to.

Will you vote for who the party tells you to vote for?

All your predictions are BS.
If you don't support either Biden or Trump and you have no choice that the next president will be one of them which one would prefer to NOT see win?
I haven't voted FOR a candidate for quite a few elections but I have definately voted against a few.
I repeat.....I pay no attention to your denials......if in three years you've found nothing to criticize Biden for, then you're clearly a water carrier......
When numerous ratings of presidents conducted by historians and scholars have rated Biden in the top 20 presidents this country has ever had and those same ratings place Trump dead fucking last it's pretty obvious who to vote for. Only a fucking idiot votes for someone impeached twice, guilty of rape and countless assault and fraud charges as well as 34 felonies.

Sure I can critisize Biden but NOTHING on the order of your fuhrer.
President Trump may hurt your feelings, but Joe hurts your family...the country...and the world...
When numerous ratings of presidents conducted by historians and scholars have rated Biden in the top 20 presidents this country has ever had and those same ratings place Trump dead fucking last it's pretty obvious who to vote for. Only a fucking idiot votes for someone impeached twice, guilty of rape and countless assault and fraud charges as well as 34 felonies.

Sure I can critisize Biden but NOTHING on the order of your fuhrer.
who gives a fuck how some lib'rul ivy league college professors ranked the fuckwit who cheated his way into the Oval you, they probably can't even define "fascist"......
If you don't support either Biden or Trump and you have no choice that the next president will be one of them which one would prefer to NOT see win?
I haven't voted FOR a candidate for quite a few elections but I have definately voted against a few.
My vote is useless. I live in Texas which is heavily Republican (although only six states had a narrower margin in 2020). I usually vote Libertarian just to keep the party on the ballot and they are closer to conservative than Republicans. I really can't vote for a candidate who betrayed his oath to uphold the Constitution by trying to block an election.
I repeat.....I pay no attention to your denials......if in three years you've found nothing to criticize Biden for, then you're clearly a water carrier......
Faulty logic on your part. My criticism of Biden is no different than my criticism of Republicans--they are both financially irresponsible and both favor big government to achieve their goals. You make the illogical assumption a person has to choose sides when neither meet free market principles.
Your conclusions are based on false assumptions. I don't support Biden (or Trump). The issue isn't who the public would vote for but who the delegates nominating the candididate will vote. They are bound to support the candidate they are pledged to.

You openly support Biden and continuously slander Trump.

Will you vote for who the party tells you to vote for?

I've traditionally voted Libertarian - but they have been destroyed and are pretty much Marxists now.

I support Trump - I want to see the United States Constitution restored. The Biden Police State sucks.

All your predictions are BS.

I've made no predictions. I actually doubt the Communists will pull Quid Pro at this point. I think that would do more harm to them than running the senile old traitor. But if they do replace him on the ticket, they will put up a fresh ticket. There is absolutely ZERO upside to running Kamaltoe. She is more hated than even Biden. The Communists are evil, not stupid. Those who VOTE for the democrats are stupid, but the actual party rulers are simply evil.
You openly support Biden and continuously slander Trump.

I've traditionally voted Libertarian - but they have been destroyed and are pretty much Marxists now.

I support Trump - I want to see the United States Constitution restored. The Biden Police State sucks.

I've made no predictions. I actually doubt the Communists will pull Quid Pro at this point. I think that would do more harm to them than running the senile old traitor. But if they do replace him on the ticket, they will put up a fresh ticket. There is absolutely ZERO upside to running Kamaltoe. She is more hated than even Biden. The Communists are evil, not stupid. Those who VOTE for the democrats are stupid, but the actual party rulers are simply evil.
One-sided thinking and ironic since you want the Constitution "restored" by supporting a man who wants to suspend it, be a dictator for a day, and who actually tried to block the successful transfer of power. Biden is just a harmless old fool who spends almost as much as Trump did.