Biden will be replaced

Not even close to true.

Arrests are not convictions. In the majority of cases, Soros prosecutors refused to prosecute.

It's VERY relevant to the discussion of equal justice under the law - which you are desperate to duck.

You support different systems of law based on the party affiliation of the accused, I get it. Uber alles democrat.
that is an outright lie......
Convictions for J6 rioters: 716

Charges against anti-racism rioters: 14,000 arrests and 1723 charges
Anything to support your claim?

When discussing the January 6 riots the only defense the right-wing fascists have to offer is to bring up the BLM riots.
there's the fact you're lying out of your ass......

More than 1,230 people have been charged with federal crimes in the riot, ranging from misdemeanor offenses like trespassing to felonies like assaulting police officers and seditious conspiracy. Roughly 730 people have pleaded guilty to charges, while another roughly 170 have been convicted of at least one charge at a trial decided by a judge or a jury, according to an Associated Press database.

show me the Floyd convictions......

BREAKING NEWS: The DailyMail just revealed a secret Democrat plot to replace Joe Biden before the election. Bill Clinton, President Obama, Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer ‘will topple the aging President.’The DailyMail has revealed that if Joe loses in the first debate with Trump or if his polling numbers keep falling, it'll take a united front of the liberal grandees to make Joe throw in the towel.The only people who could force him out would be Barack Obama, Bill Clinton, Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer,' one Democratic strategist told the Mail. 'It would have to be the four of them collectively.'Mrs. Obama, who has no close personal feelings for the Bidens, according to one well-connected Democratic source, flat-out ignored the invitation. strategists theorize that Democrats would have to hold a public event to symbolically transfer power from Biden to the new candidate, at which Biden, Obama, Clinton, Schumer, and Pelosi would publicly introduce and endorse the anointed nominee.


An indication that the Bidens are refusing orders from Revolution High Command.
no.....I will call cunts, cunt you worthless cunt.....
Hope you are ready for hell.

Convictions for J6 rioters: 716

Charges against anti-racism rioters: 14,000 arrests and 1723 charges

Notice how you duck convictions for the democrat Brown Shirts.

Over a trillion dollars in damages. 39 Cops killed. 19 rapes. Less than 200 convictions.

BECAUSE the Floyd riots were done on orders of the democrat party.
Notice how you duck convictions for the democrat Brown Shirts.

Over a trillion dollars in damages. 39 Cops killed. 19 rapes. Less than 200 convictions.

BECAUSE the Floyd riots were done on orders of the democrat party.
Wait you know for a fact the political party of everyone who rioted / marched for george floyd? You say they are all democrats, are you saying that shooting unarmed black men is cool with republicans?
Wait you know for a fact the political party of everyone who rioted / marched for george floyd? You say they are all democrats, are you saying that shooting unarmed black men is cool with republicans?

Nice attempt to spin.

I can guarantee that not a single registered republican was engaged in the Floyd riots. The Floyd Kristallnacht was supported and promoted by the democrat party.
