Peace n Safety
Why do you think so? Do you plan on assassinating him?
Ask Kamela
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Why do you think so? Do you plan on assassinating him?
Ask Kamela
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Why? You're the one threatening that, and I quote, "Biden will never be President".
Are you going to attempt to assassinate Biden or are you going to pussy out?Quit lustin after me
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Self portrait. It’s always the good looking that are on the right
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Are you going to attempt to assassinate Biden or are you going to pussy out?
Are you going to attempt it alone or with a group like Proud Boys?
Once one state folds the rest will fall like dominoes
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Keep hope alive until this is before the scotus when Thomas and Kavanaugh get their revenge. Delicious!
Keep hope alive until this is before the scotus when Thomas and Kavanaugh get their revenge. Delicious!
Are you threatening to assassinate governors too?
Standing against racism might be a cute sentiment, not necessarily a logical proposition.
LegionLesionAss LesionPeace n Safety plays with his Trump doll at night while fantasizing about this:
Kill everyoneAre you threatening to assassinate governors too?
Maybe it's just me, but wasn't the close-up of the man's torso kind of a disturbing thing for another male to post?
We're just waiting for you cocksuckers to come get us.
Standing against racism might be a cute sentiment, not necessarily a logical proposition.You could have just stopped at "I don't think that racists think" and been just as correct.
I'd love to see you explain that "logical position". It would be impressive if you were able to do so in a coherent, succinct manner.
So, what's your explanation to why Blacks are the way they are?
So, what's your explanation to why Blacks are the way they are?I'd love to see you explain that "logical position". It would be impressive if you were able to do so in a coherent, succinct manner.Standing against racism might be a cute sentiment, not necessarily a logical proposition.You could have just stopped at "I don't think that racists think" and been just as correct.
I'm actually saddened a bit because you are unable to back up your own statement, but I'm completely unsurprised you are unable to do so. You often talk big but rarely seem to understand much.
As for your question: all human beings are about 99.9% identical. Our outward appearances mean as little as different paint jobs and trim on identical year Ford F150s. What is under the hood and inside the cab remain the same. Our main differences are cultural. As with cars, some people are lemons.
You act the way you act primarily because of the people who raised you and those with whom you choose to associate. It's the same for all people. Had you been swapped as an infant in the hospital with a Jewish baby or some Hollywood celebrity's baby, there would be individual characteristic differences, but the greatest influence on all the infants would be the culture in which they were raised. In the Jewish family, you would still be a bit dim, but your education and intellect would be much more maximized. In the rich Hollywood celebrity family you'd probably be a spoiled rich kid with a black girlfriend because it's fashionable. Culture is the primary difference between all human beings, not genetics.