

Worst gambler ever
Glad to see it. Interesting that it was a Friday night special, but good pick. I would have liked Dodd too, although he wasn't on the short list.

I think it was politically expedient.

Live and breaking, like LadyT's upstairs through a brassiere...
Glad to see it. Interesting that it was a Friday night special, but good pick. I would have liked Dodd too, although he wasn't on the short list.

I think it was politically expedient.

Live and breaking, like LadyT's upstairs through a brassiere...

How about Richardson, what is wrong with him.
Ah glad I saw this before I made a thread.

Cool. Darla's wishes are granted.

Get ready for a lot of talk about elitists, though.
I got my text message at 3:15 this morning...

Strange time to announce a vp pick aint it?

Luckily my phone was in the other room... or it would have wakened me and id have been pissed.

Joe Biden is a gaffe machine and Obama will spend countless hours trying to explain away Biden’s gaffes. I am looking forward to it.

A couple of his memorable one's.

“I mean, you got the first mainstream African American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy.”

“you cannot go to a 7-Eleven or a Dunkin’ Donuts unless you have a slight Indian accent.”
Glad to see it. Interesting that it was a Friday night special, but good pick. I would have liked Dodd too, although he wasn't on the short list.

I think it was politically expedient.

Live and breaking, like LadyT's upstairs through a brassiere...

I can't complain about Biden. He's a good man.....sure does love the sound of his own voice though. I would have been tickled if it had been Mark Warner.

Joe Biden is a gaffe machine and Obama will spend countless hours trying to explain away Biden’s gaffes. I am looking forward to it.

A couple of his memorable one's.

“I mean, you got the first mainstream African American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy.”

“you cannot go to a 7-Eleven or a Dunkin’ Donuts unless you have a slight Indian accent.”

and the wingnut slime ad homin personal attack machine is off and running. Boy that sure didn't take long.
and the wingnut slime ad homin personal attack machine is off and running. Boy that sure didn't take long.
there's no doubt republicans will go after Biden, just as the dems will go after the reps selection, that's politics. But how is showing a guy's quotes personally attacking him?
Only dodd could have been a worse pick,
Obama want's to be Biden's daddy, Barry really wants to make it close.
I can think of a number of Biden quotes I'm used to hearing which are grossly taken out of context - like him calling Obama articulate and clean.
We hear the excuse, but it's just a word. Explain the context.

Lie is just a word too. So is dishonest. Taking someone out of context by quoting part of what they're saying without revealing the relevant context (in this case, the discussion was about weather Saddam was able to manufacture WMD, and Biden said in 2002 that he wasn't but had stockpiles, as he'd been led to believe) is dishonest.

Yet he stands by his vote. That's pretty dumb.