

Joe Biden is a gaffe machine and Obama will spend countless hours trying to explain away Biden’s gaffes. I am looking forward to it.

A couple of his memorable one's.

“I mean, you got the first mainstream African American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy.”

“you cannot go to a 7-Eleven or a Dunkin’ Donuts unless you have a slight Indian accent.”


I was surprised by the choice.

Consider, for instance, their differing stances on abortion/infanticide. Biden is moderate on abortion - he opposes public funding for it, and voted to ban partial birth abortions. He received only a 36% rating from NARAL. Obama, on the other hand, thinks it is morally acceptable to kill a baby OUTSIDE OF THE WOMB. He voted for this several times as a State Rep in Illinois. He has a 100% rating from NARAL.

Will NARAL endorse the ticket when the VP slot is hostile toward their Satanic agenda?

I was surprised by the choice.

Consider, for instance, their differing stances on abortion/infanticide. Biden is moderate on abortion - he opposes public funding for it, and voted to ban partial birth abortions. He received only a 36% rating from NARAL. Obama, on the other hand, thinks it is morally acceptable to kill a baby OUTSIDE OF THE WOMB. He voted for this several times as a State Rep in Illinois. He has a 100% rating from NARAL.

Will NARAL endorse the ticket when the VP slot is hostile toward their Satanic agenda?

Thor, if a doctor removed a zygote, which then be flushed down the toilet and die in the sewage system, has he committed manslaughter?
Lie is just a word too. So is dishonest. Taking someone out of context by quoting part of what they're saying without revealing the relevant context (in this case, the discussion was about weather Saddam was able to manufacture WMD, and Biden said in 2002 that he wasn't but had stockpiles, as he'd been led to believe) is dishonest.

Yet he stands by his vote. That's pretty dumb.


So how was Biden's comment taken out of context on this one...

“you cannot go to a 7-Eleven or a Dunkin’ Donuts unless you have a slight Indian accent.”

It was a gaffe, plain & simple, with plenty more to come from Joe.

He was talking about how great it is that the Indian-American population is growing. Seven-Eleven was an anecdote (and a failed joke) about how common it is to see Indian-Americans. Thats the context of the conversation. Taking the one sentence out makes him sound racist. He obviously did not intend it to be and he is obviously not a racist.

He was talking about how great it is that the Indian-American population is growing. Seven-Eleven was an anecdote (and a failed joke) about how common it is to see Indian-Americans. Thats the context of the conversation. Taking the one sentence out makes him sound racist. He obviously did not intend it to be and he is obviously not a racist.

No, it's not obvious at all. In fact, saying Obama was the first mainstream african american who is articulate... is fucking racist to the core. You're a fucking idiot if you try to dance around that one. Idiot!

He was talking about how great it is that the Indian-American population is growing. Seven-Eleven was an anecdote (and a failed joke) about how common it is to see Indian-Americans. Thats the context of the conversation. Taking the one sentence out makes him sound racist. He obviously did not intend it to be and he is obviously not a racist.

lol Democrats make a lot of "failed jokes".
That's not what he said. He said he's the first mainstream African American (and he is) and he is articulate. You can misread his statement intentionally to make yourself believe he's a racist, but he's running as the vice president with a black man for Christ's sake.
Republicans make a lot of failed jokes too. They're not very funny people. Obama delivers his lines very well, however.
Republicans make a lot of failed jokes too. They're not very funny people. Obama delivers his lines very well, however.

It's just interesting that whenever a Republican says something stupid like that, they are revealing their inner prejudices.

Whereas if a Democrat says something stupid and offensive (ala Kerry/Biden) it's always a "failed joke".
That's not what he said. He said he's the first mainstream African American (and he is) and he is articulate. You can misread his statement intentionally to make yourself believe he's a racist, but he's running as the vice president with a black man for Christ's sake.

The quote is easily read. It's not in uncertain terms. Here it is.

“I mean, you got the first mainstream African American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy.”

You can't just stop reading at african american. There is nothing unclear about what he's saying.
It's a very poorly constructed sentence. He's not a racist. You're being hugely dishonest in calling him one. He made the mistake of forming the sentence in such a way that idiots like you could pretend that he made a racist comment, but try being a little honest here for a second. The guy was saying he is the first mainstream African American candidate and he's bright and articulate and clean and a nice-looking guy. Not that he's the first bright, articulate, clean and nice-looking African American. That's as retarded as your reputation on this board.
The quote is easily read. It's not in uncertain terms. Here it is.

“I mean, you got the first mainstream African American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy.”

You can't just stop reading at african american. There is nothing unclear about what he's saying.

Except for the clean part, I am sure Jackson and that republican guy were clean, its true!
It's a very poorly constructed sentence. He's not a racist. You're being hugely dishonest in calling him one. He made the mistake of forming the sentence in such a way that idiots like you could pretend that he made a racist comment, but try being a little honest here for a second. The guy was saying he is the first mainstream African American candidate and he's bright and articulate and clean and a nice-looking guy. Not that he's the first bright, articulate, clean and nice-looking African American. That's as retarded as your reputation on this board.

That's quite a dance! Is Obama the first african american in politics? Alan Keyes ran for president. Does he count? Then what does the phrase mean?
I thnk he's a racist mutha fucker. And Obama is a pussy trying to pop the cherry of his virgin experience problem. He'll win he's just stubling to the finish line.
That's quite a dance! Is Obama the first african american in politics? Alan Keyes ran for president. Does he count? Then what does the phrase mean?

Alan Keyes wasn't mainstream. Neither was Al Sharpton or Jessie Jackson. Obama is, as he said, the first MAINSTREAM African American candidate. There's no dancing here, just lying on your part. Quit it.
How's a guy who runs for vice president with a black man called racist? Republicans are so fucking back asswards these days it's impossible to keep up with the stupidity.