Biden’s Bible


Verified User


Nobody in their right mind would vote for a Democrat even if he is alive. Democrats have no choice but to vote for a corpse. Why? Because the coming election is the first time in our history that voters in one party will be voting for their vice president knowing that in the unlikely event Senile Joe wins the election he will swear the presidential oath with his hand on a life support machine instead of a Bible.

After brain dead Biden is officially declared President of the U.S. he will resign, croak, or be removed by the 25[SUP]th[/SUP] Amendment before December 31, 2021.

Conversely, establishment Republican voters are not much better off than Democrats. Lukewarm Republicans have no choice but to vote for Trump knowing they will get President Dense should Trump not finish his second term.

One good thing is going to happen this November. Television mouths will get screwed. No matter which douche bag takes the oath next January television will get the blame.

NOTE: Unlike every other Democrat since 1913, every major newspaper was against FDR in every one of his campaigns; so Americans who wanted no part of FDR could hardly blame newspapers. To this day, Socialists/Communists who were not born in time to vote for FDR swear that he was the Second Coming.

After WWII ended self-important journalists went from cancer printed on paper to bubonic plague spoken on television.

On the bright side, television is in for a lot of blame because they deified every Democrat president along with every Democrat loser —— think Hillary Clinton.

Richard Nixon was unique in the annals of journalistic putrescence. Media drove him out of office in his second term. The WaPo and the NY Times could not have screwed President Nixon (1969 to 1974) without television’s help. In fact, television and print press only inserted the red part when they conspired to ignore JFK’s theft of the presidency. Media liars got down to the short strokes in 1974 when they climaxed a royal screwing that began in 1960.

Ask yourself what the MSM would have done to Nixon had he purloined the presidency?


Censorship is Big Tech’s skin in the game, while omission alone is no match for television’s evil propaganda twins —— sound and pictures.

All of the newspapers combined never had a large number of readers who purchased newspapers for the specific purpose of getting political news. The remaining newspaper readers are not even close to the number of viewers that listen to unfair & unbalanced news shows on television every day. Add in entertainment propaganda and you have to conclude that the demise of newspapers is inevitable. How long will it be before print press disappears forever? is the only unanswered question.

Journalism has only one reason for its existence: ALWAYS ATTACK THE GOVERNMENT. That is only time individuals with a public voice ‘speak truth to power’ means anything. ‘Speak truth to power’ is a lie itself when some liberal scum bag rants and raves against their target of the day.

Parenthetically, nothing is more sickening than television liars praising a filthy drunk —— Ted Kennedy (1932 - 2009) —— as though he walked on water.

(Television liars did not give Obama a pair of Jesus shoes.

The liars gave him a tailor-made pair of angel wings.)

Every bit of death and destruction that is happening today could have been stopped before it got off the ground had working journalists justified their reason for living. There is some truth in a cynic saying they took part part in the violence for high paying jobs. The fact is that television’s liars never saw it coming. That one bit of blind stupidity is enough to disbelieve everything television’s overpaid pundits say to the end of time.

In addition to portraying federal government parasites as a deadly pestilence, journalists should never say a bad word about this country’s few good presidents; i.e. the Founding Fathers, and one or two that took office after 1913. RR was one Eisenhower was another.

Finally, governors and mayors began dictating the behavior to a once-free people in order to destroy the U.S. Constitution as soon as they realized they get the same protection television’s liars give to federal government scum.

Never forget that television began dressing government officials in cloaks of respectability long before coronavirus came along. That is why it is fair to say that none other than Ted Kennedy opened our borders in 1965. The drunk’s personal agenda set the stage for today’s mass migrations as well as the COVID-19 hoax. If you doubt me, count the millions of legal and illegal immigrants still pouring into the U.S. with the government’s blessings.

If coronavirus is not a hoax how many of those infected immigrant carriers arrived with coronavirus? More importantly, how many of those immigrants died from coronavirus after they got here? The number of immigrants that died from coronavirus has to be up around 50,000 if you accept the total number of the deaths media and government liars ascribe to COVID-19.
On the bright side, television is in for a lot of blame because they deified every Democrat president along with every Democrat loser —— think Hillary Clinton.

Tom Fitton is pretty good, but he is misinterpreting “. . . low-level . . .” on this one:

"I think [what] is going to happen is, he's going to issue another zinger of a report that will get you nothing, and a few indictments of some lower-level people, and the Obama gang largely will fade away in terms of getting held accountable," Fitton said.


He also asked why former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, whose campaign helped fund the research that fed into British ex-spy Christopher Steele's anti-Trump dossier, has not been questioned by Durham.

'You're going to be disappointed': Tom Fitton predicts John Durham will issue a 'zinger of a report'
by Daniel Chaitin
July 21, 2020 08:02 AM

FBI criminals are low-level when compared to Obama, Biden, and Hillary Clinton.

Fitton is spot on if Obama, Biden, and Hillary Clinton still have enough media whitewash to cover their cannon fodder, too. AG Barr has the keys to their prison cells, but I have no faith in him:

William Barr knows all of Hillary’s crimes. Basically, his job is to see that she beats the rap without making the DoJ or the FBI look bad. His decades of experience in the government makes him the perfect attorney general for Hillary Clinton, but not for the America people.

Finally, the Durham Report reminds of the Saturday cliffhangers I saw as a kid. Every chapter ended with the hero about to be killed. The hero always survived at the beginning of the next episode much like Hillary Clinton’s miraculous escapes. Standby for the next chapter.

Nobody in their right mind would vote for a Democrat even if he is alive. Democrats have no choice but to vote for a corpse. Why? Because the coming election is the first time in our history that voters in one party will be voting for their vice president knowing that in the unlikely event Senile Joe wins the election he will swear the presidential oath with his hand on a life support machine instead of a Bible.

After brain dead Biden is officially declared President of the U.S. he will resign, croak, or be removed by the 25[SUP]th[/SUP] Amendment before December 31, 2021.

Conversely, establishment Republican voters are not much better off than Democrats. Lukewarm Republicans have no choice but to vote for Trump knowing they will get President Dense should Trump not finish his second term.

One good thing is going to happen this November. Television mouths will get screwed. No matter which douche bag takes the oath next January television will get the blame.

NOTE: Unlike every other Democrat since 1913, every major newspaper was against FDR in every one of his campaigns; so Americans who wanted no part of FDR could hardly blame newspapers. To this day, Socialists/Communists who were not born in time to vote for FDR swear that he was the Second Coming.

After WWII ended self-important journalists went from cancer printed on paper to bubonic plague spoken on television.

On the bright side, television is in for a lot of blame because they deified every Democrat president along with every Democrat loser —— think Hillary Clinton.

Richard Nixon was unique in the annals of journalistic putrescence. Media drove him out of office in his second term. The WaPo and the NY Times could not have screwed President Nixon (1969 to 1974) without television’s help. In fact, television and print press only inserted the red part when they conspired to ignore JFK’s theft of the presidency. Media liars got down to the short strokes in 1974 when they climaxed a royal screwing that began in 1960.

Ask yourself what the MSM would have done to Nixon had he purloined the presidency?


Censorship is Big Tech’s skin in the game, while omission alone is no match for television’s evil propaganda twins —— sound and pictures.

All of the newspapers combined never had a large number of readers who purchased newspapers for the specific purpose of getting political news. The remaining newspaper readers are not even close to the number of viewers that listen to unfair & unbalanced news shows on television every day. Add in entertainment propaganda and you have to conclude that the demise of newspapers is inevitable. How long will it be before print press disappears forever? is the only unanswered question.

Journalism has only one reason for its existence: ALWAYS ATTACK THE GOVERNMENT. That is only time individuals with a public voice ‘speak truth to power’ means anything. ‘Speak truth to power’ is a lie itself when some liberal scum bag rants and raves against their target of the day.

Parenthetically, nothing is more sickening than television liars praising a filthy drunk —— Ted Kennedy (1932 - 2009) —— as though he walked on water.

(Television liars did not give Obama a pair of Jesus shoes.

The liars gave him a tailor-made pair of angel wings.)

Every bit of death and destruction that is happening today could have been stopped before it got off the ground had working journalists justified their reason for living. There is some truth in a cynic saying they took part part in the violence for high paying jobs. The fact is that television’s liars never saw it coming. That one bit of blind stupidity is enough to disbelieve everything television’s overpaid pundits say to the end of time.

In addition to portraying federal government parasites as a deadly pestilence, journalists should never say a bad word about this country’s few good presidents; i.e. the Founding Fathers, and one or two that took office after 1913. RR was one Eisenhower was another.

Finally, governors and mayors began dictating the behavior to a once-free people in order to destroy the U.S. Constitution as soon as they realized they get the same protection television’s liars give to federal government scum.

Never forget that television began dressing government officials in cloaks of respectability long before coronavirus came along. That is why it is fair to say that none other than Ted Kennedy opened our borders in 1965. The drunk’s personal agenda set the stage for today’s mass migrations as well as the COVID-19 hoax. If you doubt me, count the millions of legal and illegal immigrants still pouring into the U.S. with the government’s blessings.

If coronavirus is not a hoax how many of those infected immigrant carriers arrived with coronavirus? More importantly, how many of those immigrants died from coronavirus after they got here? The number of immigrants that died from coronavirus has to be up around 50,000 if you accept the total number of the deaths media and government liars ascribe to COVID-19.

Thanks for yet ANOTHER fantastic post, Flanders. Nicely done.
Tom Fitton is pretty good, but he is misinterpreting “. . . low-level . . .” on this one:

"I think [what] is going to happen is, he's going to issue another zinger of a report that will get you nothing, and a few indictments of some lower-level people, and the Obama gang largely will fade away in terms of getting held accountable," Fitton said.


He also asked why former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, whose campaign helped fund the research that fed into British ex-spy Christopher Steele's anti-Trump dossier, has not been questioned by Durham.

'You're going to be disappointed': Tom Fitton predicts John Durham will issue a 'zinger of a report'
by Daniel Chaitin
July 21, 2020 08:02 AM

FBI criminals are low-level when compared to Obama, Biden, and Hillary Clinton.

Fitton is spot on if Obama, Biden, and Hillary Clinton still have enough media whitewash to cover their cannon fodder, too. AG Barr has the keys to their prison cells, but I have no faith in him:

William Barr knows all of Hillary’s crimes. Basically, his job is to see that she beats the rap without making the DoJ or the FBI look bad. His decades of experience in the government makes him the perfect attorney general for Hillary Clinton, but not for the America people.

Finally, the Durham Report reminds of the Saturday cliffhangers I saw as a kid. Every chapter ended with the hero about to be killed. The hero always survived at the beginning of the next episode much like Hillary Clinton’s miraculous escapes. Standby for the next chapter.

Thanks for ANOTHER fine post, Flanders.
Never forget that television began dressing government officials in cloaks of respectability long before coronavirus came along.

My gal Judi reminded me that television has to burn the midnight oil in order to make Biden respectable before November.

If Kamala can have jaw-dropping plastic apples inserted in a facelift, why can’t Biden have a Brain Transplant?

Senile Joe already had a brain transplant. In the first operation the surgeon inserted his brain up his ass instead of in his skull. The second operation had to be performed by a proctologist:

Did Joe Biden have brain surgery?

In short, yes. Joe Biden did indeed undergo brain surgery on two occasions, both in 1988. In February of that year, he suffered from several episodes of increasingly severe neck pain. According to The New York Times, he attributed the pain to a pinched nerve and a viral infection.

One day, while he was alone in a hotel room, Biden felt a sharp, stabbing pain at the back of his neck. In his autobiography, Promises to Keep, Biden wrote that the pain was like nothing he had ever experienced and that he lay unconscious on the floor for five hours after it occurred. The next day, he went into a Delaware hospital for testing and was quickly rushed to Walter Reed Army Medical Center.

There, he underwent a lifesaving, six-hour surgical procedure to fix an aneurysm that had begun leaking at the base of his brain. In May of 1988, Biden underwent a second operation to repair another aneurysm on the opposite side of his brain. This second aneurysm had not caused any symptoms but was at risk of bursting.

Fact Check: Did Joe Biden Really Have Brain Surgery?
By Abi Travis

Canada Free Press’ staff put together a deadly accurate list of the Democrat Party’s platform:

But one of the things I just asked my people to do is just draw up for me, just quickly, some of the things that we’ve been hearing about over the last couple of weeks. And these are actual key elements of the Biden-Sanders unity platform:

● Abolish immigration detention
● Stop all deportation
● End prosecution of illegal border crossers
● Support the deadly sanctuary cities
● Incentivize illegal-alien child smuggling
● Expand asylum for all new illegal aliens
● Cancel all asylum cooperation agreements in the Western Hemisphere
● Taxpayer-funded lawyers will be given to all illegal aliens
● Abolish immigration enforcement against illegal workers
● Grant work permits for illegal aliens
● Provide taxpayer subsidies and welfare for illegal aliens and new immigrants
● Federal Student Aid and free community college for illegal aliens
● Sign new immigrants up for welfare immediately
● End requirement for immigrants’ self-sufficiency and maximize their welfare
● End all travel bans
● Grant mass amnesty
● Vastly expand low-skilled immigration to the United States
● Increase refugee admissions by 700 percent
● Abolish law enforcement as we know it
● End cash bail
● Abolish completely the death penalty
● Appoint social justice prosecutors in order to free violent criminals
● End mandatory minimums
● Incentivize prison closure
● Abolish our police departments
● End solitary confinement
● Free federal housing for former inmates
● Rejoin Paris Climate Accord
● Mandate net-zero carbon emissions for homes, offices, and all new buildings by 2030
● Mandate zero carbon emissions from power plants by 2035
● Mandate net-zero carbon emissions by 2050
● Mandate all 500,000 school buses and all 3 million government vehicles be changed to zero-emission vehicles within five years
● Install 500,000 taxpayer-funded charging stations nationwide
● End school choice
● End tax credit scholarships serving disadvantaged students in 26 states
● Oppose 14 million Americans with education savings accounts and get rid of school choice, having to do with school choice
● Eliminate school choice in Washington, D.C.
● Abolish all charter schools
● Ban funding for charter schools in poor neighborhoods
● Abolish educational standards
● Enforce Obama-Biden’s radical AFFH

If Joe Only Had A Brain
By Judi McLeod & Kelly O'Connell
July 20, 2020

Have you ever wondered why Diarrhea Mouth Pelosi and Vomit Schumer never announce a detailed plan to end the violence? Wonder no more. Governors and mayors dare not end the violence until after brain dead Biden is sworn in. Only then can the Democrat Party claim credit for ending the violence.

In short: A very small number Socialists/Communists organizing the killing and destroying Democrat-run cities get their marching orders from Democrat governors and mayors. Their strategy is simple. The violence will end on orders from the very Democrat officials who ordered the killing in the first place.

Finally, Democrat Party strategy had to originate with congressional Democrats and bureaucrat holdovers from the Clinton and Obama administrations. Former Vice President Biden was not smart enough to formulate such a plan when he had a normal brain. The way events unfolded after Trump defeated Hillary Clinton you have to give Obama credit for choosing a halfwit to be vice president. Who better to succeed Obama than Biden?
My gal Judi reminded me that television has to burn the midnight oil in order to make Biden respectable before November.

If Kamala can have jaw-dropping plastic apples inserted in a facelift, why can’t Biden have a Brain Transplant?

Senile Joe already had a brain transplant. In the first operation the surgeon inserted his brain up his ass instead of in his skull. The second operation had to be performed by a proctologist:

Did Joe Biden have brain surgery?

In short, yes. Joe Biden did indeed undergo brain surgery on two occasions, both in 1988. In February of that year, he suffered from several episodes of increasingly severe neck pain. According to The New York Times, he attributed the pain to a pinched nerve and a viral infection.

One day, while he was alone in a hotel room, Biden felt a sharp, stabbing pain at the back of his neck. In his autobiography, Promises to Keep, Biden wrote that the pain was like nothing he had ever experienced and that he lay unconscious on the floor for five hours after it occurred. The next day, he went into a Delaware hospital for testing and was quickly rushed to Walter Reed Army Medical Center.

There, he underwent a lifesaving, six-hour surgical procedure to fix an aneurysm that had begun leaking at the base of his brain. In May of 1988, Biden underwent a second operation to repair another aneurysm on the opposite side of his brain. This second aneurysm had not caused any symptoms but was at risk of bursting.

Fact Check: Did Joe Biden Really Have Brain Surgery?
By Abi Travis

Canada Free Press’ staff put together a deadly accurate list of the Democrat Party’s platform:

But one of the things I just asked my people to do is just draw up for me, just quickly, some of the things that we’ve been hearing about over the last couple of weeks. And these are actual key elements of the Biden-Sanders unity platform:

● Abolish immigration detention
● Stop all deportation
● End prosecution of illegal border crossers
● Support the deadly sanctuary cities
● Incentivize illegal-alien child smuggling
● Expand asylum for all new illegal aliens
● Cancel all asylum cooperation agreements in the Western Hemisphere
● Taxpayer-funded lawyers will be given to all illegal aliens
● Abolish immigration enforcement against illegal workers
● Grant work permits for illegal aliens
● Provide taxpayer subsidies and welfare for illegal aliens and new immigrants
● Federal Student Aid and free community college for illegal aliens
● Sign new immigrants up for welfare immediately
● End requirement for immigrants’ self-sufficiency and maximize their welfare
● End all travel bans
● Grant mass amnesty
● Vastly expand low-skilled immigration to the United States
● Increase refugee admissions by 700 percent
● Abolish law enforcement as we know it
● End cash bail
● Abolish completely the death penalty
● Appoint social justice prosecutors in order to free violent criminals
● End mandatory minimums
● Incentivize prison closure
● Abolish our police departments
● End solitary confinement
● Free federal housing for former inmates
● Rejoin Paris Climate Accord
● Mandate net-zero carbon emissions for homes, offices, and all new buildings by 2030
● Mandate zero carbon emissions from power plants by 2035
● Mandate net-zero carbon emissions by 2050
● Mandate all 500,000 school buses and all 3 million government vehicles be changed to zero-emission vehicles within five years
● Install 500,000 taxpayer-funded charging stations nationwide
● End school choice
● End tax credit scholarships serving disadvantaged students in 26 states
● Oppose 14 million Americans with education savings accounts and get rid of school choice, having to do with school choice
● Eliminate school choice in Washington, D.C.
● Abolish all charter schools
● Ban funding for charter schools in poor neighborhoods
● Abolish educational standards
● Enforce Obama-Biden’s radical AFFH

If Joe Only Had A Brain
By Judi McLeod & Kelly O'Connell
July 20, 2020

Have you ever wondered why Diarrhea Mouth Pelosi and Vomit Schumer never announce a detailed plan to end the violence? Wonder no more. Governors and mayors dare not end the violence until after brain dead Biden is sworn in. Only then can the Democrat Party claim credit for ending the violence.

In short: A very small number Socialists/Communists organizing the killing and destroying Democrat-run cities get their marching orders from Democrat governors and mayors. Their strategy is simple. The violence will end on orders from the very Democrat officials who ordered the killing in the first place.

Finally, Democrat Party strategy had to originate with congressional Democrats and bureaucrat holdovers from the Clinton and Obama administrations. Former Vice President Biden was not smart enough to formulate such a plan when he had a normal brain. The way events unfolded after Trump defeated Hillary Clinton you have to give Obama credit for choosing a halfwit to be vice president. Who better to succeed Obama than Biden?

Another fine post, Flanders. Thank you.
In theory, the president can fire anybody except federal parasites who enjoy lifetime tenure like Supreme Court justices. In reality, presidents lack the courage to fire anybody. Donald Trump was famous for saying “You’re fired.” on a TV show. More than any other president, Trump’s was yellow to core because he did not fire Clinton and Obama holdovers.

It is too soon to know if Trump is governing from a limited government center.

Trillions of tax dollars going to the Parasite Class told conservatives that the NY bum governs from the Left more often than he governs from the Right.

I wonder how many voters Trump will lose in November because conservatives now know that his spine is made of Silly Putty?

Finally, do not be fooled by Trump protecting federal buildings. American cities would not be in flames today had Trump fired every one of the Clinton-Obama holdovers one minute after he was sworn in:

. . . Democrat Party strategy had to originate with congressional Democrats and bureaucrat holdovers from the Clinton and Obama administrations.
...After brain dead Biden is officially declared President of the U.S. he will resign, croak, or be removed by the 25[SUP]th[/SUP] Amendment before December 31, 2021. ...
Which is a probability regardless who is elected.

FWIW, I'd rather have President Pence than any Democrat Biden chooses as VP....except Mayor Pete, but he's not getting it.