Biden’s Bible

Nobody in their right mind would vote for a Democrat even if he is alive. Democrats have no choice but to vote for a corpse. Why? Because the coming election is the first time in our history that voters in one party will be voting for their vice president knowing that in the unlikely event Senile Joe wins the election he will swear the presidential oath with his hand on a life support machine instead of a Bible.

This is no slip:

Was this a slip of the lip or a forthright acknowledgement of reality?

A Harris administration together with Joe Biden as the president of the United States, the Biden-Haris administration will provide access to 100 billion dollars in low-interest loans and investments for minority-business owners,” she added:

September 15, 2020
Kamala speaks of ‘a Harris administration together with Joe Biden’
By Thomas Lifson

Kamala Harris knows that Senile Joe is losing voters faster than the Titanic sank. Her so-called slip is a booster shot for Democrats ‘You better vote for me because I will be your president —— not Biden.’
Flanders' interminable rant at the beginning suggests the weirdoes are getting pretty desperate. Let's hope they are right in their desperation. What about a three-week amnesty to allow the smelliest to flee from justice to Russia?
Flanders' interminable rant at the beginning suggests the weirdoes are getting pretty desperate.

To Pendryn: Is this why you attack the messenger rather than defend China Joe Biden?

Because Mr Biden doesn't go in for interminable rants, perhaps?
There's a reason why this is in the Conspiracy nutjob forum. :)

FWIW, I find it very difficult to respect the acumen, education and experience of a people whose signature is always bigger than their signatures unless they use really large font...regular large font usage being another indicator that the person is "off". e.g. Bourbon and Truth Detector.
His speeches seem wholly comprehensible to me. You have problems with English perhaps? Some of my relatives had the same problem once: cheer up, they soon learned!
Who among thoughtful citizens of America would vote for this man? If you would accept that this too is what you value and who you are.

"What is patriotism? Let us begin with what patriotism is not. It is not patriotic to dodge the draft and to mock war heroes and their families. It is not patriotic to discriminate against active-duty members of the armed forces in one's companies, or to campaign to keep disabled veterans away from one's property. It is not patriotic to compare one's search for sexual partners in New York with the military service in Vietnam that one has dodged. It is not patriotic to avoid paying taxes, especially when American working families do pay. It is not patriotic to ask those working, taxpaying American families to finance one's own presidential campaign, and then to spend their contributions in one's own companies. It is not patriotic to admire foreign dictators. It is not patriotic to cultivate a relationship with Muammar Gaddafi; or to say that Bashar al-Assad and Vladimir Putin are superior leaders. It is not patriotic to call upon Russia to intervene in an American presidential election. It is not patriotic to cite Russian propaganda at rallies." Timothy Snyder 'On Tyranny'

'100 Ways, in 100 Days, that Trump Has Hurt Americans'

"What is patriotism? Let us begin with what patriotism is not.

To midcan5:
Nor is it patriotism to help enemies kill Americans fighting to stop the spread of Communism in SE Asia as did China Joe Biden:

John Kerry was not famous when he first betrayed the country. Kerry was a U.S. Senator in 1995 when General Bui Tin was interviewed:

A Primer on Why We Lost Vietnam : A Vietnamese general confirms the anti-war movement's role in the U.S. defeat.
August 06, 1995

If Senile Joe Biden fought as hard to stop the spread of Communism as he now fights to stop the spread of a non-existent pandemic he might have one saving grace. In short, China Joe is last guy that should claim credit for Americans who died in foreign lands fighting wars to protect and defend this country.

It is not patriotic to dodge the draft

To midcan5: Except when Democrats do it to protect and defend Communism:

Joe Biden Received Five Deferments from Serving During Vietnam Conflict
Posted at 6:00 pm on September 15, 2020
by Scott Hounsell

It is not patriotic to admire foreign dictators.

To midcan5: Then why is China Joe doing it?

Biden’s promise to revert to a policy that President Trump has rightly corrected reveals a deeper truth: the former vice president’s foreign policy views are in line with that of Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders and the Democrat Party’s encroaching socialist agenda.

Joe Biden wants to return to Obama’s failed Cuba policy | Opinion
By Mercedes Schlapp
Special to the Sun Sentinel |
May 11, 2020 at 2:25 PM

NOTE: Democrats never stop pissing and moaning about fascist dictators like Hitler and Mussolini at the same every Democrat Socialist/Communist hopped in bed with every Communist dictator’s governing philosophy —— beginning with Lenin, Stalin and Mao. In fact, Democrats never met a Communist dictator they would not commit treason for under the guise of foreign policy.

China Joe is brain dead in more ways than one. He surely knew this when he was vice president:

Castro’s Torture of American POWs in Vietnam
September 25, 2018
Jamie Glazov
Two of my degrees are in English, actually.

To Penderyn: A degree in liberal arts does not count.

Kamala Harris knows that Senile Joe is losing voters faster than the Titanic sank. Her so-called slip is a booster shot for Democrats ‘You better vote for me because I will be your president —— not Biden.’

What does your degree tell you about newspeak?

Biden accidentally refers to Harris-Biden administration
by Naomi Lim
September 15, 2020 03:18 PM

My experience tells me “accidentally” my ass. Biden is so far gone he thinks he is running for vice president again.

All things considered, President Trump should debate Harris, and VP Pence should debate Biden.

To Penderyn: Stop trying to convince JPP posters you are intelligent. Only a moron would try.

Bottom line: My $150 Random House dictionary is infinitely larger than your vocabulary.

I'm sure you are trying to make some sort of point, but what it is escapes me. I have no need, child, to convince anyone of my intelligence. Ask your Mommy to help you with your next post, please! :)
FBI criminals are low-level when compared to Obama, Biden, and Hillary Clinton.

Fitton is spot on if Obama, Biden, and Hillary Clinton still have enough media whitewash to cover their cannon fodder, too. AG Barr has the keys to their prison cells, but I have no faith in him:

William Barr knows all of Hillary’s crimes. Basically, his job is to see that she beats the rap without making the DoJ or the FBI look bad. His decades of experience in the government makes him the perfect attorney general for Hillary Clinton, but not for the America people.

Sad to say, Tom Fitton will be fighting Congress, federal bureaucrats, corrupt judges and, of course, television mouths. In reality, for all of President Trump’s political power and good intentions, Hillary Clinton is no closer to a jail cell today than she was in 2016. Nevertheless, I am pulling for Fitton:

Tom Fitton is right, the DOJ headed by AG Barr cannot be trusted to declassify the documents. They are enemies of the state - silent killers


President of Judicial Watch, Tom Fitton, has been consistently skeptical of the Barr/Durham investigation and sounded the political early detection warning. As early as August 24, 2020 in an interview with Lou Dobb, Fitton says Durham is not doing a serious criminal investigation.

“Barr is not willing to prosecute anyone. Devin Nunes exposed the FISA scandal years ago - it is not new information”

In a interview with Lou Dobbs, Tom Fitton warned, “Barr is not willing to prosecute anyone. Devin Nunes exposed the FISA scandal years ago - it is not new information. . . .The DOJ has been arguing with Judicial Watch for years to suppress the information. Stonewalling and obstructing the greatest crime in American history. . . .President should go on “transparency tear” and release all related documents. FBI and DOJ are letting FOIA lapse to protect Joe Biden and go past time when anything can be done. . . .James Comey leaked, lied, and stole President Trump’s FBI file. AG Barr did not prosecute. McCabe lied. AG Barr did not prosecute.”

President Trump got the message. He tweeted, “I have fully authorized the total declassification of any and all documents pertaining to the single greatest CRIME in American History, the Russia Hoax. Likewise, the Hillary Clinton Email Scandal. No redactions!” The declassified documents show Hillary Clinton authorized the Trump-Russia smear campaign.

Fitton’s suspicions were finally confirmed with AG Barr’s disgraceful announcement. AG Barr is the problem, not the solution. AG Barr is a silent killer.

In his interview with Lou Dobbs, Tom Fitton also refers to Obamagate as the worst corruption scandal in American history. His advice to President Trump to declassify and release all relevant document goes even farther.

“This is what he [Trump] was hired to do, to drain the swamp and the best disinfectant is sunlight here. And if the agencies — and the agencies are not going to be cooperative. They will do the minimal necessary they think that will keep the president off their backs. He can’t trust the agencies to do it. If I were him, I would send in transparency strike teams out of the White House or folks close to him that he trusts who can go in and take the documents away and release them to the American people. We can’t allow their discretionary release from the deep staters to obstruct continuously the right of the American people to know what its government has been up to, especially on the worse corruption scandal in American history.”

President Donald Trump has overcome the China virus, the “invisible enemy” that attacked his physical well-being. Now, with the same strength and vigor, he must overcome the silent killers targeting the infrastructure and body politic of our constitutional United States. Tom Fitton is right, the DOJ headed by AG Barr cannot be trusted to declassify the documents. They are enemies of the state - silent killers.

Why Cancer is Called a Silent Killer
By Linda Goudsmit
October 11, 2020

I do not know if Fitton’s oversight authority will encompass the one crime that might nail Hillary Clinton. This is the one I have not given up on:

Four years ago, Donald Trump's campaign attacked Hillary Clinton for her brazen corruption, deriving personal and political gain from "The Clinton Foundation" in a brutal advertisement as well as on the stump.

The TV spot hits Clinton, the Democratic presidential nominee, on controversies related to her family’s foundation, stating that “staggering amounts of cash poured into the Clinton Foundation from criminals, dictators, countries that hate America” and that “Hillary cut deals for donors.”

October 12, 2020
Will the Trump Administration Finally Seize a Golden Opportunity to Punish Clinton Charity Fraudsters?
By Charles Ortel

Sad to say, Tom Fitton will be fighting Congress, federal bureaucrats, corrupt judges and, of course, television mouths. In reality, for all of President Trump’s political power and good intentions, Hillary Clinton is no closer to a jail cell today than she was in 2016. Nevertheless, I am pulling for Fitton:

Tom Fitton is right, the DOJ headed by AG Barr cannot be trusted to declassify the documents. They are enemies of the state - silent killers


President of Judicial Watch, Tom Fitton, has been consistently skeptical of the Barr/Durham investigation and sounded the political early detection warning. As early as August 24, 2020 in an interview with Lou Dobb, Fitton says Durham is not doing a serious criminal investigation.

“Barr is not willing to prosecute anyone. Devin Nunes exposed the FISA scandal years ago - it is not new information”

In a interview with Lou Dobbs, Tom Fitton warned, “Barr is not willing to prosecute anyone. Devin Nunes exposed the FISA scandal years ago - it is not new information. . . .The DOJ has been arguing with Judicial Watch for years to suppress the information. Stonewalling and obstructing the greatest crime in American history. . . .President should go on “transparency tear” and release all related documents. FBI and DOJ are letting FOIA lapse to protect Joe Biden and go past time when anything can be done. . . .James Comey leaked, lied, and stole President Trump’s FBI file. AG Barr did not prosecute. McCabe lied. AG Barr did not prosecute.”

President Trump got the message. He tweeted, “I have fully authorized the total declassification of any and all documents pertaining to the single greatest CRIME in American History, the Russia Hoax. Likewise, the Hillary Clinton Email Scandal. No redactions!” The declassified documents show Hillary Clinton authorized the Trump-Russia smear campaign.

Fitton’s suspicions were finally confirmed with AG Barr’s disgraceful announcement. AG Barr is the problem, not the solution. AG Barr is a silent killer.

In his interview with Lou Dobbs, Tom Fitton also refers to Obamagate as the worst corruption scandal in American history. His advice to President Trump to declassify and release all relevant document goes even farther.

“This is what he [Trump] was hired to do, to drain the swamp and the best disinfectant is sunlight here. And if the agencies — and the agencies are not going to be cooperative. They will do the minimal necessary they think that will keep the president off their backs. He can’t trust the agencies to do it. If I were him, I would send in transparency strike teams out of the White House or folks close to him that he trusts who can go in and take the documents away and release them to the American people. We can’t allow their discretionary release from the deep staters to obstruct continuously the right of the American people to know what its government has been up to, especially on the worse corruption scandal in American history.”

President Donald Trump has overcome the China virus, the “invisible enemy” that attacked his physical well-being. Now, with the same strength and vigor, he must overcome the silent killers targeting the infrastructure and body politic of our constitutional United States. Tom Fitton is right, the DOJ headed by AG Barr cannot be trusted to declassify the documents. They are enemies of the state - silent killers.

Why Cancer is Called a Silent Killer
By Linda Goudsmit
October 11, 2020

I do not know if Fitton’s oversight authority will encompass the one crime that might nail Hillary Clinton. This is the one I have not given up on:

Four years ago, Donald Trump's campaign attacked Hillary Clinton for her brazen corruption, deriving personal and political gain from "The Clinton Foundation" in a brutal advertisement as well as on the stump.

The TV spot hits Clinton, the Democratic presidential nominee, on controversies related to her family’s foundation, stating that “staggering amounts of cash poured into the Clinton Foundation from criminals, dictators, countries that hate America” and that “Hillary cut deals for donors.”

October 12, 2020
Will the Trump Administration Finally Seize a Golden Opportunity to Punish Clinton Charity Fraudsters?
By Charles Ortel
