Biden’s Supreme Court reform plan could actually help make it less political


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Before he withdrew his candidacy, The Post reported that Mr. Biden had two proposals in mind: First, establish an enforceable ethics code for the justices; second, subject them to term limits. Each idea presents constitutional issues. It is not clear if life tenure for members of the federal judiciary can be changed through ordinary legislation or would require constitutional amendment. Similarly, any effort by Congress to impose a binding ethics code on the Supreme Court could violate the separation of powers. For now, though, it’s enough to consider reform suggestions on their merits, which are real.

An 18-year term for justices, however, would fit better with the periods their presidential and congressional counterparts serve. If terms on the court were staggered, coming open every four or so years, it would be rarer for a president to install a disproportionate number.
Before he withdrew his candidacy, The Post reported that Mr. Biden had two proposals in mind: First, establish an enforceable ethics code for the justices; second, subject them to term limits. Each idea presents constitutional issues. It is not clear if life tenure for members of the federal judiciary can be changed through ordinary legislation or would require constitutional amendment. Similarly, any effort by Congress to impose a binding ethics code on the Supreme Court could violate the separation of powers. For now, though, it’s enough to consider reform suggestions on their merits, which are real.

Biden and the Stalinist party's contempt for the United States Constitution is shameful.

Obviously he and the party have no authority to change the Consitution.

If the traitorous scumbag wants to change it - start working on an amendment.
Biden and the Stalinist parties contempt for the United States Constitution is shameful.

Obviously he and the party have no authority to change the Consitution.

If the traitorous scumbag wants to change it - start working on an amendment.
An 18-year term for justices, however, would fit better with the periods their presidential and congressional counterparts serve. If terms on the court were staggered, coming open every four or so years, it would be rarer for a president to install a disproportionate number.

Who gives a fuck?

We have a Constitution. Trump is coming back into office - which means we will CONTINUE to have the Constitution for at least 4 years.

None of your dictatorial shit has any meaning.

Fuck Traitor Joe.
Who gives a fuck?

We have a Constitution. Trump is coming back into office - which means we will CONTINUE to have the Constitution for at least 4 years.

None of your dictatorial shit has any meaning.

Fuck Traitor Joe.
Talk about being in never Neverland

Trump don’t give a rat’s ass about the Constitution, even stated that the Constitution should be terminated in 2020, the guy didn’t even read national security notices why do you think he ever read the Constitution. Trump gets elected in November he’s doing anything he wants, ain’t no Constitution stopping him, and you, along with the GOP. sCOTUS, right wing media, nor anyone is stopping him, in fact, you’ll defend him

Now time for the adolescent personal attacks
Talk about being in never Neverland

Trump don’t give a rat’s ass about the Constitution, even stated that the Constitution should be terminated in 2020, the guy didn’t even read national security notices why do you think he ever read the Constitution. Trump gets elected in November he’s doing anything he wants, ain’t no Constitution stopping him, and you, along with the GOP. sCOTUS, right wing media, nor anyone is stopping him, in fact, you’ll defend him

Now time for the adolescent personal attacks


Hume wants to end the Constitution - as does Quid Pro.

I know you hate Trump and you hate America - but that isn't the subject.

Bought and Paid for proposed crushing the United States Constitution in a power grab - THAT is the issue.

Now it's not going to happen, because your treasonous party is being tossed from power - but that a sitting president would suggest massive violation of the constitution and destruction of the checks and balances our nation is built on is beyond shameful.

Joe Biden is the worst and most traitorous president this nation has ever seen.

Hume wants to end the Constitution - as does Quid Pro.

I know you hate Trump and you hate America - but that isn't the subject.

Bought and Paid for proposed crushing the United States Constitution in a power grab - THAT is the issue.

Now it's not going to happen, because your treasonous party is being tossed from power - but that a sitting president would suggest massive violation of the constitution and destruction of the checks and balances our nation is built on is beyond shameful.

Joe Biden is the worst and most traitorous president this nation has ever seen.
As noted, the adolescent personal attacks, nothing new there
An 18-year term for justices, however, would fit better with the periods their presidential and congressional counterparts serve. If terms on the court were staggered, coming open every four or so years, it would be rarer for a president to install a disproportionate number.
What happens if say Justice #3 is up for replacement, and then Justice #5 and 6 croak in office or otherwise leave. That particular president gets to put 3 people on the court. Now what?

The Democrats by the way, are back to calling for court packing by putting 4 more justices on the court...
What happens if say Justice #3 is up for replacement, and then Justice #5 and 6 croak in office or otherwise leave. That particular president gets to put 3 people on the court. Now what?

The Democrats by the way, are back to calling for court packing by putting 4 more justices on the court...
Court packing is permitted by Constitution.
Court packing is permitted by Constitution.

If you can't figure out how that applies here, then you are part of the problem.
Before he withdrew his candidacy, The Post reported that Mr. Biden had two proposals in mind: First, establish an enforceable ethics code for the justices; second, subject them to term limits. Each idea presents constitutional issues. It is not clear if life tenure for members of the federal judiciary can be changed through ordinary legislation or would require constitutional amendment. Similarly, any effort by Congress to impose a binding ethics code on the Supreme Court could violate the separation of powers. For now, though, it’s enough to consider reform suggestions on their merits, which are real.

Congress has no such authority, Hugo.