Big daddy Biter the pathological liar'

Lets see...who suggested the bet?....Hmmm....
And who lost? Two people, surprise they didn't follow through....
TOP couldn't get a job in my school system as a janitor much less a teacher.

For real. Generally school districts don't much like it when an alleged "teacher" refers to the urban students as "thugs." The parents don't much care for it either. There's also the expectation that your grammar, spelling, syntax, and ability to convey ideas and concepts to the students be somewhat above the first-grade level, eh?

Grind said it well:


Don't you just love how the tRumptards echo tRump's racism, then act offended when you call them racist? Hilarious.

It's amazing, isn't it?

An amusing observation: When #TRE45ON appointed a black man, a surgeon and physician, to a cabinet position that he was totally unqualified for, did we hear a single peep out of the Trumptards? Nope, not a sound other than "See? He's not racist! He appointed a black guy to be the head of the housing department, because everyone knows that blacks know all about housing for the poor -- even if they're a doctor." :rofl2:
For real. Generally school districts don't much like it when an alleged "teacher" refers to the urban students as "thugs." The parents don't much care for it either. There's also the expectation that your grammar, spelling, syntax, and ability to convey ideas and concepts to the students be somewhat above the first-grade level, eh?

Grind said it well:



Like so many other devoted tRumpanzees, she is simply a fraud.
"Okay. I will donate $25 to our local UPAWS rescue center in your name if you will post your real top secret teacher name here, along with the link to your state's license verification site so that we can see that you were actually ever certified. When you cannot provide this information to our satisfaction, you will donate $25 to the Planned Parenthood of Greater Columbus."
Well, well...It's undertandable, though...considering;)
"Okay. I will donate $25 to our local UPAWS rescue center in your name if you will post your real top secret teacher name here, along with the link to your state's license verification site so that we can see that you were actually ever certified. When you cannot provide this information to our satisfaction, you will donate $25 to the Planned Parenthood of Greater Columbus."
Well, well...It's undertandable, though...considering;)

Very good! The tard can look up stuff! Unfortunately the tard never did post anything that verifies the lie that the tard ever taught anything other than how not to be Toxic. :laugh:
"Okay. I will donate $25 to our local UPAWS rescue center in your name if you will post your real top secret teacher name here, along with the link to your state's license verification site so that we can see that you were actually ever certified. When you cannot provide this information to our satisfaction, you will donate $25 to the Planned Parenthood of Greater Columbus."
Well, well...It's undertandable, though...considering;)

Who in their right mind is going to post a real name on the internet? Then again, you are a tRump worshipper so that explains that.

That said, I will donate 25 dollars to UPAWS if you post a photocopy of your drivers license and teaching certificate in this very thread.
Who in their right mind us going to post a real name on the internet?

That said, I will donate 25 dollars if you post a photocopy of your drivers license and teaching certificate in this very thread.
Seriously...why would anyone ask someone to do that?:laugh:
Dozens were provided with the info....links to the "particulars" got two permabanned here, as a matter of Many have seen it;)
You ask for similar info. I just called your ridiculous bluff.

Now, where is that teaching cert?
I didn't ask for anything....that was a quote from another you called don't you look silly;) The credential are online;)
I didn't ask for anything....that was a quote from another you called don't you look silly;) The credential are online;)

Move along "crawfish". You were "outed" once again. It's time for you to tune into Foxsnooze to tell you what you should believe
Yes, I am. A few members of my family have educational PhD's as well as a sister who has her PhD in nursing.
Do you have a PhD?
Why would ask if certification came from Trump University if you understand how certification/licensure works? Check with your family members...they'll fill you in....
I didn't need a PhD....;)