Big layoffs in our future?

You are possiblyl blinded by your education.

When else has it happened?

The biggest worry right now is that the dollar may be at a tipping point where it crashes completely, but that is due to government fixes and can't be helped by protectionism and central planning of the economy.
Damo you are purposely ignoring the impact on our economy of these labor wage reductions.
And you ignore the negative effect of the artificially high price of labor. It most certainly incentivizes companies to find ways to cut costs when production of even a crappy car makes it cost more than a high quality vehicle from a competitor.
When else has it happened?

The biggest worry right now is that the dollar may be at a tipping point where it crashes completely, but that is due to government fixes and can't be helped by protectionism and central planning of the economy.

what impecicable logic, just because it has only happened under the circumstances you speak of that means that no other paths can lead to depression.
things are a bit different now than they were in the time leading up to the great depression, but an alarming number of things are close to the same too.
And chappy here is what you posted on Nov 29, 2007.

"Economy best in four years
Despite hit from housing and credit markets, economy grew at 4.9% rate in third quarter, matching forecasts."

that was a cut and paste artical from like cnn or something.
good discussion guys.
unemployment is 5% do some research and tell me what it was in the depression and leading up to it.
We may not even have a recession it's comical to talk about a depression when the economy is still growing.
P.S. Europe has long had 8 to 10 % unemployment, good the chicken littles here would be on steriods in that case.
the good news with this sub prime mess is that stupid china and other countries purchased our bundled loans.. they will share in our misery.
as I have said the inevitable result of a global economy is to lower the standards of the richest countries and boost the standards in the lower ones. And no it is not a zero sum game but not too far from one.

funny, but isn't that EXACTLY what the Dems continue to try to do within the country over and over and over and over again?
funny, but isn't that EXACTLY what the Dems continue to try to do within the country over and over and over and over again?

Exactly. This is where the left bleed into nationalists and xenophobes like nAHZi.

We are not going to go down. Our standard of living will continue to grow as it has been. Will others grow faster? Probably and many may pass us. Only people who should care about that are dumbass racists and imperialists.
earth to majority.

We already have the most expensive health care system in the world.

Not paid for by tax payers living from pay check to pay check. Those people will pay several hundreds of dollars/month for a notional system---because their employeers pay for 80% of it or more for them now. Those working people will incur the cost they don't have now---and lose their lifestyle---even if they keep their job.
minority you are a tool.
if your over 30 your an embarassment to your friends and family.
Your so stupid you should be banned from discussions on the economy.

Thats it--Just insults with no substance--and that is not a sign of any kind of intelligence. -meet me somewhere and tell me that to my face.

I say the economy is gpoing down a lot further than it is now- If you and your education disagrees---put your money where your mouth is--I will take it--but you have to remove elite dick first---poll toker!
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Thats it--Just insults with no substance--and that is not a sign of any kind of intelligence. -meet me somewhere and tell me that to my face.

I say the economy is gpoing down a lot further than it is now- If you and your education disagrees---put your money where your mouth is----but you have to remove elite dick first---poll toker!
RL doesn't need to intrude on our site and nothing discussed here is that important.
minoirity you don't want any part of this trust me.
just becuase you lost your redneck tool bending manufacturing job doesn't men the country is going to shit. If we have a recession it won't be the worst one. Liquidity or lack of is what makes them bad, the fed will juice the economy. Inlation is going to be a worse problem and longer lasting than lack of growth.
good discussion guys.
unemployment is 5% do some research and tell me what it was in the depression and leading up to it.
We may not even have a recession it's comical to talk about a depression when the economy is still growing.
P.S. Europe has long had 8 to 10 % unemployment, good the chicken littles here would be on steriods in that case.

are the formulas used to calc unemployment the same here as in europe ? are we comparing apples to apples?
RL doesn't need to intrude on our site and nothing discussed here is that important.

Oh come on, don’t be a spoil-sport. This is one of the few things I miss about my old site. Men going all ballistic and screaming that they were meeting this one here, and that one would be too chicken shit to ever show up. Once, a guy offered to pay another one’s airfare to las vegas, and swore he’d leave him in a dumpster. Cawacko, if you read this, that was Tarzan (that pos) and Scott. Oh man, some of the funniest stuff I’ve ever read.

None of them ever met anyone anywhere for any reason, of course. Lol Ah, testosterone.
minoirity you don't want any part of this trust me.
just becuase you lost your redneck tool bending manufacturing job doesn't men the country is going to shit. If we have a recession it won't be the worst one. Liquidity or lack of is what makes them bad, the fed will juice the economy. Inlation is going to be a worse problem and longer lasting than lack of growth.

Lack of liquidity as in the bottom falling out of the dollar ?
as in no loans.
the fed is basically giving the banks money
your going to see GDP above 2% for 2008 because of the steroid injection to the banks.
But inflation will slam the average joe for several years.
Not paid for by tax payers living from pay check to pay check. Those people will pay several hundreds of dollars/month for a notional system---because their employeers pay for 80% of it or more for them now. Those working people will incur the cost they don't have now---and lose their lifestyle---even if they keep their job.

bullcrap, my employer pays 20% , and if you follow the nooz employers providing health benefits dropped something like 15% last year. I do not remember the exact figures but less than 1/2 of employers provide health benefits.
43% rings a bell, but not sure on that exact figure.