What are Facebook and Twitter afraid of? What would happen if people were allowed to make their own judgments about the contents of Biden's laptop?
In all fairness facething and twits are private enterprises and can do as they please. I am amazed at how much people have surrendered to to 2 fucking useless pieces,l of shit.
Now that they are censoring the Trump campaign, Trump has something juicy to campaign with.
Now that they are censoring the Trump campaign, Trump has something juicy to campaign with.
In all fairness facething and twits are private enterprises and can do as they please. I am amazed at how much people have surrendered to to 2 fucking useless pieces of shit websites. You serious ideas are ever exchanged there. They keep idiots focused one thing while the people with real influence are off doing real damage some place else. They are huge diversionary tactics.
Again they can do whatever the fuck they please. They own it.
That's not how righta work. Further, even if it was (and again, it isn't) that isn't justification alone. I can walk around all day telling Boomers to kill themselves and...
Well bad example. But just because you CAN do something doesn't make it right.
Look I think they are cowards but the sites are private and they should be free to do as they please a long as it doesn't encourage violence. My belief doesn't change just because I disagree with them.
That falls apart when they have close to monopoly powers over the marketplace. It would be as if the old Bell Telephone company could censor your calls and listened in on them...
What are Facebook and Twitter afraid of? What would happen if people were allowed to make their own judgments about the contents of Biden's laptop?
tough. everyone hates the lying right wing
Incorrect. People who use them make them monopolies. Stay off them. You're not required to use them.
The phone company was a public utility. You paid a bill for the service. You dont pay for facecrap and twits.
You didn't have to have a telephone either...
These big social sites are monopolies... How many times do you run into "log in via Twitter, Facebook, etc..." on some other site?
Right but if you do you get a bill. That changes things
I don't disagree but so what. They didn't make themselves monopolies.
Whether they intended to become monopolies or not, they essentially now are. They should be regulated as such and held to that standard.