Big Tech Mass Censorship

I disagree. This is the equivalent of a fat guy blaming McDonald's for his obesity. Stop using it.

I am correct in many ways. For example, you are a business, particularly one in a service industry like a restaurant. Can you neglect to have a Facebook page today? How much business do you forego not having one? Twitter, not so much in this case, but still likely to lose you business. How about someone looking for employment? Will you be more likely or less likely to be hired lacking any on-line social presence?
I am correct in many ways. For example, you are a business, particularly one in a service industry like a restaurant. Can you neglect to have a Facebook page today? How much business do you forego not having one? Twitter, not so much in this case, but still likely to lose you business. How about someone looking for employment? Will you be more likely or less likely to be hired lacking any on-line social presence?

There are many ways to promote your businesses.